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StarCraft13 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers


Singapore MYM.Razer.SG VS AZC Thailand

Batrider Shadow Demon Goblin Techies
Invoker Lich Anti-Mage
Venomancer Enigma
Holy Knight Enchantress
Priestess of the Moon Queen of Pain Prophet
BroodmotherAncient Apparition Spectre
Tidehunter Shadow PriestClockwerk Sand King
The first Pick/Ban phase
The first Ban Phase

In the first banning phase we see ACZ removing Invoker, Lich and Anti-Mage. Invoker is currently the most overpowered and imbalanced hero in the cm pool, while Lich is one of the best supporters, due to his denying spell and his ability to spam Nova, which makes him irritating to play against. Anti-Mage is one of the best late game carries due to his Blink, which gives him great mobility, coupled with with his passive skill Mana Break, that especially hurts heroes with a low mana pool and can generally create a lot of problems early on.

On the other side, MYM ban Batrider, Shadow Demon and Goblin Techies. It is obvious that the first two heroes were removed due to their excellent solo-laning abilities, while the last-mentioned were probably removed "for fun", or just to not have to remove another ban-worthy hero in the first ban phase.

The first Pick Phase

ACZ first pick Prophet and open paths to every possible strategic outcome. Scythe come up with a Mirana-Akasha follow-up, getting two semi-carries with great mobility and excellent damage output; both are lacking status-points though.

As a response, ACZ proceed to pick their hard carry, Spectre, along with another heavily imbalanced hero, Ancient Apparition, thus creating a pretty solid global combo, using Teleport, Haunt and Shatter. MYM then come up with a Broodmother pick, adding tower pushing potential to their already strong line-up and automatically getting done with their semi-carries for the picking phase. Now they can only pick two support heroes and ACZ knows that.

The second Pick/Ban phase

The second Ban Phase

AZC, knowing that MYM needs support heroes, remove Holy Knight. Chen is a great support jungler, using his creeps he can gank and add even more pushing power to the Singaporean squad and thus he earns himself a slot in the banned heroes pool.
MYM then bans Venomancer since he's known to be an infamous supporter for Spectre, as she can use Haunt to pick up any heroes fleeing from his ultimate.

AZC then decide to remove Enchantress for the same reasons as Chen plus her excellent damage output with Impetus' pure damage, which can cause a lot of troubles to heroes such as Clockwerk.

The last ban for the MYM side, and in general, is Enigma, a support jungler with excellent ganking and pushing abilities, nevermind his gamebreaking ultimate which can create a whole lot of trouble for MYM if synchronized with a couple other skills in the Scourge's arsenal.

The second Pick Phase

AZC proceeds to pick Clockwerk Goblin, a hero that can solo against Broodmother rather well and also initiate battle and give his ally Kaldr the chance to land a proper ultimate and let's not forget the fact that he also has a global spell.

MYM replies with a Tidehunter pick. He's a great tank, a great initiator and is mainly used as support and a roamer with his powerful early game slow, thus earning himself a slot in the Sentinel's squad.

AZC then picks another hero that can be a great counter to Broodmother,Sand King. Not only for his AoE stun but also for his devastating - if used correctly - ultimate.

MYM comes up with a brilliant last pick by the name of Shadow Priest. Not only can Dazzle remove any potential threat that might come towards his allies in the lane, but he can also keep all of his teammates alive during fights using Shallow Grave on one of the heros that's been hit by Shatter. Additionally, he can lower his enemies' armor, which will soften them up significantly, especially Ancient Apparition and Clockwerk, following their recent armor nerfs.

Key Heroes
The SentinelThe Scourge
Priestess of the Moon Broodmother Queen of Pain
The Sentinel's three mid-gamers/semi-carries are the Sentinel's true power. MYM's success relies on them, with their lane controlling skills it's all a matter of how well prepared they will be for the mid game and if they will ultimately be able to defeat their enemies.
Spectre Prophet Clockwerk
Eventhough all of the Scourge heroes are pretty crucial for their success, these three specific heroes carry the most weight on their shoulders. The biggest parts of today's metagame which are initiation, pushing and high end game damage output lie mostly in their abilities and their play will make or break the Scourge's game.

Role of the Key Heroes
The SentinelThe Scourge
The Sentinel's heroes goal is pretty clear: dominate the lanes, farm creeps, deny creeps from your enemy, harass or kill them whenever possible and generally get ready for the mid-game. They need some core items before they start moving around the map and that is what has to be done to dominate the game.
The Scourge's heroes have different goals among themselves. Clockwerk needs to keep the Broodmother down during the lane phase and, later on, initiate the team fights. Furion needs to farm up the jungle as fast as possible and start contributing to the ganks, finishing off some and initiating others. Last, Spectre has only one goal: To get Phase Boots+Vanguard+Radiance, the core build, as soon as possible.
The Laning Phase
AZC decide to place Sand King in mid to fight with the enemy Queen of Pain, not a bad decision since Crixalis can avoid Scream of Pain using his Sandstorm. At the top lane it's a solo Spectre with assistance from a roaming Ancient Apparition against a harsh triple lane by MYM consisting of Leviathan, Mirana and their respectable burst damage output coupled with Shadow Priest's healing powers and the ability to keep everybody alive. In the meantime, at bottom it we have Clockwerk Goblin taking on the responsibility of keeping the Broodmother down using his Rocket to halt any push she might attempt.
The game starts with MYM picking up first blood in the top lane following up on an excellent arrow by Priestess of the Moon. At the four minute mark, a gank by Tidehunter in the mid lane gets Sand King killed, despite Ancient Apparition coming in to assist as quickly as possible. Shortly after, the Apparition falls to Akasha. Five minutes into the game, AZC decides to swap their lanes, putting Clockwerk mid and Sand King bottom since Clock was unable to control the Brood and Crixalis was having trouble versus HyHy's Akasha in mid.
Around seven minutes into the game Tidehunter and Akasha initiate a fight mid resulting in a double kill for Akasha right before her death to Spectre's Haunt and the death of Leviathan at the hands of Furion. Two minutes later, Priestess of the Moon manages to drop the Scourge's top tier 1 tower but subsequently falls to Spectre. Some small trades occur until in the 14th minute Broodmother gets the Scourge's bottom Tier 1 tower and half a minute later, the Scourge's mid tier 1 tower falls as well.

Critical Hero Mass-Up

By the 20th minute mark, the Sentinel have broadened their lead to 13 to 7, managing to pick up Spectre's Dominating streak and then some; they take the Scourge's top tier 2 tower. 24 minutes into the game and HyHy completes his Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse right after the fall of the Scourge's mid tier 2 tower. MYM keep attempting to make an opening through the top lane using the Broodmother and any support she might have nearby but solid defense keeps halting these mini-pushes by the AZC side. At the 27 minute mark the Sentinel, only after getting a Vanguard on Tidehunter, a Manta/Maelstrom build on Priestess of the Moon and Black King Bar on Broodmother, decide to go for the Scourge's mid tier 3 tower, but they are pushed out as the tower drops to 1/4th its HP, luckily without casualties for both sides. The game keeps going until the 29th minute when the Sentinel decide to raid Roshan without the help of the Queen of Pain who attempts to solo-gank the enemy Spectre. Spectre uses her ulti to run away from Akasha but ends up initiating on the Sentinel who just killed Roshan. The Sentinel lose the aegis but kill 3 heroes without losing anyone else and proceed to push the bottom lane. The battle there is intense, a must watch resulting in no casualties or any towers lost, even though it's a five on three.

Almost 33 minutes into the game and MYM take out the Sand King and Furion while Spectre has to Haunt all the way to the Sentinel's jungle to get a revenge kill on Priestess of the Moon. Continuing the battle, they take out Apparition and Clockwerk with the help of Tidehunter's Ravage and Broodmother's Black King Bar and ultimate combo. They enter mid lane but decide to hunt Spectre instead of destroying the enemy tower and barracks so they are forced to fall back after an teleport from the respawned Sand King.

Later on, 35 minutes and 10 seconds into the game, Akasha tower dives out of nowhere in mid to kill the enemy Ancient Apparition ushering in certain defeat for the Scourge. The tower falls, several mistakes are made in the battle such as Spectre haunting 5 heroes that have absolutely no threat around or Clockwerk trying to hookshot a long since Black King Bar'ed Queen of Pain. Even though the Scourge have too many casualties, they keep fighting but right after the 36 minute mark, the mid melee barracks inevitably falls.

At the 37 minute mark, the Scourge try to initiate on the enemy Broodmother and eventually kill her, but lose their two support heroes to Queen of Pain in the process. Afterwards, in an epic scene bound to be included in a video, Furion manages to survive HyHy's Scream of Pain with a Teleport Scroll and the Sentinel are forced back. At exactly 40 minutes, Broodmother successfully pushes the Scourge's bottom melee barracks right after Akasha kills off the remaining mid barracks. In the battle, following Mirana's death, the Sentinel march on to kill three enemy heroes and continue to push down the Frozen Throne, sans resistance.
Overall, it was not a balanced game but it had some really great fights and nice moments. The three semi-carry strategy used by MYM was successful so they managed to crush their enemies exactly when they were expecting to do so: right after the mid game was over.

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