We're pleased to announce that some major changes have been applied to our GosuWiki. Some of them have a big impact on the previous version and we hope that now the GosuWiki will be a bit closer to the community.
New front page
The main page of the GosuWiki is totally reworked. The old one didn't allow for an auto-resize function as to accommodate all screen resolutions, and the new one is created to fit those standards.
As you can see, we aimed for something very simple but efficient. The main page has three parts, where the first one shows the ongoing events, the most recent transfers and the prominent profiles. The second one is reserved for the organizations/teams, both split by the regions. The third part consists of all other relevant stuff to Dota 2.
New index pages
All sub-pages also got reworked and have been properly edited to fit the layout of the main page and all screen resolutions. They are now much easier to navigate which makes searching much faster. There are still a few pages which need to get reworked but we've focused on fixing those that we assumed are the most important for the competitive aspect of the game.
Open for anyone to contribute
The last change, and in this case the most important one, is that from now on GosuWiki is 'open for all'. That means that whoever wants to contribute - and is a registered GosuGamers user - will be able to edit or create any page on the GosuWiki. Here's an explanation on how that works:
When you open any created page on our wiki you'll see 'Edit' buttons around the page. The main one is on the top, but there are buttons for each paragraph, making any editing done to it more efficient. Once an edit is made, it won't apply to the live version until it's approved by our staff members. This approval will take only a very short period of time and it's mainly there to help out with the proper text formatting. When it comes to creating a page, you can either choose to send us information and we can take care of it, or you can do it yourself by going to the address of the page which you want to create, e.g. http://wiki.gosugamers.net/dota2/AngelTEST or http://wiki.gosugamers.net/dota2/GosuGamers. If the page doesn't already exist you'll be able to click the 'Create page' button and fill it with the content.
We're aware that our GosuWiki has still space to improve and therefore we would like you all to give us some suggestions and feedback how we can do so. Our main goal is to make it easily accessible by the community and have it available to anyone who want either to read or write. Finally, if anyone is interested in joining our Wiki Crew you can do so by applying here.