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Heroes7 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Watch Zul’jin and new skins in action

In addition to the recently announced Zul’jin, Blizzard released a video showcasing the first troll hero to enter the Nexus and new skins for Chromie and Kharazim.

With the recent announcement of the next hero Zul’jin, Blizzard has just released a new in development video. In the video, you can view the animations for all of Zul’jin’s abilities along with the Emberlord skin-themed variations.

You can view more information on Zul’jin’s abilities and talents, here.

Furthermore, the video showcases new skins for Chromie (Dream Genie) and Kharazim (Bronze Tiger). Lastly, the Amani War Bear mount will complement the Warlord of the Amani.

Zul’jin will join the Nexus in January.

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