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NA roster shuffle; EE back to c9, CR4ZY picks up Fighting Panadas and two players

NA region sees a shuffle of players between Cloud9 and Fighting Pandas, how has also now been picked up by a new organization, CR4ZY.

Just the other day we mused about the never-ending shuffles that were happening across the Dota 2 scene. While most of them seemed like it was happening primarily in China and CIS, no region has been unaffected. With the latest updates, the roster change count is now over 100 for the season so far. 

Just over one week ago, Jacky 'EternaLEnVy' Mao and Jingju 'Sneyking' Wu made an unexpected departure from Fighting Pandas. With just over one week before their appearance at Starladder Minor (starting tomorrow), the rest of the team was left in a lurch. Their move created a domino effect that would then affect at least four teams. 

Cloud9, who made their return to Dota 2 just a month ago, has already swapped out three players. 

Benching Andrei 'Skem' Gabriel Ong and Cheng "vtFaded" Jia Hao, they also have released Francis "FrancisLee" Lee. That makes room for not only the two former panda players but also gave Marcus "Ace" Hoelgaard a spot on the team. Ace has not been playing competitively since he was released from NiP in September. 

Just over a week before the Minor, Fighting Pandas had to act quickly to pull together a team worthy of competing in Ukraine. To fill the vacant spots they have recruited two Europeans; Maurice "KheZu" (pronounced keːzuː) Gutmann who was the captain of Godsent and Oliver "skiter" Lepko who was playing for Aggressive Mode. That leaves two European teams now needing to fill spots in their own rosters. 

In addition, Fighting Pandas has now been signed by CR4ZY, a Croatian organization that also has a CS:GO team. You can catch them in action this week as the StarLadder Minor kicks off. To see C9's new lineup fans will have to wait a bit longer as there is nothing on the schedule just yet for the team. 

Cloud 9 roster

Denmark Marcus "Ace" Hoelgaard
Canada Jacky 'EternaLEnVy' Mao
United States Jingju 'Sneyking' Wu
Denmark Rasmus 'MISERY' Filipsen
Sweden Johan 'pieliedie' Åström

CR4ZY roster

Slovakia Oliver "oliver/skiter" Lepko 
Canada Jonathan Bryle "bryle" Santos De Guia
Canada David 'Moonmeander' Tan
Germany Maurice 'KheZu' Gutmann
Canada Kurtis "Aui_2000" Ling

Cristy "Pandoradota2" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2

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