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Dota 29 years ago

TI6 prize pool spikes nearly $1.5M after release of Immortal II

The total prize pool for The International 6 sees an astounding 1.5 million dollar spike in profits after the release of the Immortal II treasure. 

The International 6 prize pool has seen a steady incline in profits since the release of the compendium, but it recently saw a rather significant spike in sales as a result of the Immortal II item drops during their June 23rd patch. Prior to the release of the newest immortal set, the prize pool was sitting at a cool 12.6 million USD, but after the release we have seen the total spike up nearly 1.5 million USD, making the present prize pool an astounding 14 million USD in total. This new total is nearly one million higher than the prize pool was at this time during the run-up to The International 5. 

Heroes such as Undying, Mirana, and Riki were featured inside the Immortal II chest, but the hero that everyone is raving over is Invoker. Unfortunately, only the a rather lucky few will find themselves with an Invoker item as it is the rarest treasure inside the chest. The immortal itself is a set that changes the appearance of many popular spells such as Tornado and Deafening Blast. Even though it is extremely difficult to acquire this particular item, it has not stopped Invoker fans from trying.

The day the set released Arif 'MSS' Anwar of Shazam (previously seen on Cloud9, Team Dog, and Mousesports) took to Twitter to show his excitement:

That very same day we saw esports personality and Twitch streamer Shaneomad express how thrilled he was to see Invoker gain an Immortal set:

Unfortunately, Shaneomad was met with defeat after opening 15 Immortal II chests and failing to get the highly sought after set. He took to Twitter once more with a plea to purchase the set after it becomes available on the community market. 

No matter which hero you favor, the Immortal II treasure certainly did not disappoint. As it stands right now Valve still has the Immortal III treasure up their sleeve and there is no doubt that when they decide to drop that chest we will see another significant rise in The International 6 prize pool. 

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Image Source: DOTA 2 Prize Pool Tracker