With the release of Aghanims Labyrinth Apprentice and Magician, we took a deeper look into the game to help you navigate through it better.
Over the years, Valve has introduced a lot of event games in Dota 2, and while most of them have been fun, Aghanim’s Labyrinth possibly gets a slight edge over the rest. Knowing the popularity of the game, Valve brought it back, after it was first introduced in the TI10 Battle Pass in mid 2020. Back then, the final objective was to take out Aghanim himself. This time, however, we are fighting for Aghanim! The rest of the game is quite similar though, although there are slight variations in the levels and the break rooms between the levels. A few new heroes have been introduced to the game, and the old ones are available as well, though they need to be unlocked.
The Aghanim’s Labyrinth event of last year featured the following 15 heroes.

This year for Aghanim’s Labyrinth – The Continuum Conundrum, there are a total of 29 heroes. Of those, the 14 new ones are available to everyone, while the 15 old ones can be unlocked through Battle Pass levels or by garnering Aghanim’s Shards.

Like every puzzle, there is an optimum way to approach Aghanim’s Labyrinth as well. Of the five difficulty levels, today we will take a look at the lineups that finish The Continuum Conundrum in the least amount of time and the ones that have the best efficiency in doing so for the Apprentice and Magician difficulty levels (first two difficulty levels).
All data and images about Aghanim's Labyrinth: The Continuum Conundrum have been taken from Stratz.com.
Fastest Wins – Apprentice
Looking at the heroes that complete the course the fastest time for the Apprentice difficulty, the clear winners are Drow Ranger, Templar Assassin, Clinkz and Weaver. The quartet, according to the data on Stratz, has 31 games together and boast a win rate of 87.1%, along with being the fastest in the business. Drow’s aura bolsters all heroes and at the lowest difficulty level, healers and tanks are not a requirement, and all carry is the way to go (sounds a lot like pubs, eh?!).
Best Composition – Apprentice
The best composition for Apprentice, however, goes to the quartet of Juggernaut, Queen of Pain, Undying and Phoenix. The best composition is based on the rating, which is calculated as a combination of match count and win rate. Undying is an amazing hero for the game because of his tanking capabilities, and Phoenix can keep healing him due to Sun Ray’s percentage heal. All bosses in the game have a very low magic resistance, so having heroes with a combination of physical and magic damage (or to be honest, just continuous magic damage) is advantageous, and it is just what Juggernaut and Queen of Pain provide. Juggernaut also serves as a great team healer, thanks to Healing Ward.
Void Spirit makes an appearance in quite a few of the teams with the best composition, and the reason for that is the fact that not only does he have a lot of continuous magic damage, but he also has multiple escape spells, which are useful in getting out of dicey situations, especially against bosses.
Fastest Wins – Magician
When it comes to being a Magician, things are a bit different. The one size fits all approach does not fly here, as a lot of heroes can be seen in the mix. The four carry approach is not too common when taking a look at the 10 fastest lineups. The majority of the lineups contain at least one tank or healer, and the average durations are also a lot more than what you would find for Apprentice. The three heroes that stand out, if three had to be picked, are Juggernaut, Templar Assassin and Undying, who appear in most lineups. Interestingly, whenever Drow Ranger appears, it is with at least two other ranged carries, which indicates that the hero serves more as a carry amplifier than the main carry.
Best Composition – Magician
Juggernaut may as well be called the master Magician, as he appears in all 10 of the teams with the best composition. The composite damage along with the heal makes him a prime candidate for the task. With the shards available game, Juggernaut can be in Blade Fury for majority of the time, which not only deals a lot of magic damage but also prevents him from being targeted by spells.
Queen of Pain, Undying, Phoenix and Void Spirit are the other prominent heroes that make an appearance in a majority of the teams. It is interesting to note that only one of the teams has either Undying or Phoenix. Having that sustain behind the damage dealers while they do their work is a good idea. Who would have thought?!
The data on the three final difficulty levels (Sorcerer, Grand Magus and Apex Mage) is still bleak, as most Labyrinth enthusiasts are still making their way up there. Take inspiration from the lineups mentioned here, get to the higher tiers, and in a few days, we’ll have some suggestions on what to do at the higher tiers.