Nahaz and Noxville are well known statisticians within the community, running the rule over the numbers on their successful “Stats Don’t Lie” series. During the event, Nazahs (a Professor of Financial Economics by day, and Dota aficionado by night) was on the panel while Noxville was employed in a back-of-office role providing the stream with stats related facts (including the popular Game Of Thrones stat).
We discuss how happy the Sultans of Stats are with the ratings in comparison with their expectations and get a little insight on how they are collated. We move on to talk about overreactions to the most recent results and if the community in general can remember anything before the last major. Lastly, we touch on the Fantasy Points system within Dota 2 and get some insight into who the guys think are the next big players outside of the current Tier 1 teams, and indeed which team they expect to break into that category.
You can see more about their stats at: while the “Stats don’t lie” videos can be found here.