The interview provided an update on compLexity's progress as a team and their future plans. Starting with a discussion on coL's preference to face Virtus.Pro or Na'Vi in their next game, the interview moved onto Kyle 'Swindlemelonzz' Freedman's unique drafts in their games against OG and VP; picking low popularity heroes like Chen and Undying. Beef answered that the question was better suited for Swindle as "we (compLexity) are still sometimes surprised by the picks."
Following the Dota related questions about coL were questions about them outside of the game. Beef emphasized that the team was "one big group of family" and how the team "loves to do karaoke at after parties." This family-like nature of the team was then described as one of the biggest obstacles to overcome in the process of finding a coach, "we want to have a coach [...] our group is so tight-knit that we want to make sure it's the right person."
Bringing the conversation back to the event, questions about the team's enjoyment of ESL One Frankfurt and the Manila Major were asked. Overall, the team had a good experience in both LAN events, and it was noted that Valve went to great lengths to ensure the comfort of the teams in Manila.
Finishing off the interview was the revelation of coL's plans after ESL One. The team will be taking a short break before "strapping in for bootcamp all the way until TI." It was also revealed that the team was not planning to participate in upcoming LAN events.