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Pinnacle III update

Pinnacle Cup III postponed to early 2022

The third edition of the cup was originally scheduled for November 2021.

Pinnacle has announced that their upcoming Pinnacle Cup III has been postponed to early 2022 instead of the originally planned November 2021 timeslot. The tournament will still retain its original format, just in a new time slot next year. The tournament will feature some of the best CS:GO teams in the world, competing for a share of the $100,000 prize pool.

The tournament will be following a three-stage format, beginning with a Swiss stage, followed by an elimination playoff, capped with a grand final round. The teams will look to follow in the same footsteps as previous winners Gambit Esports and Team Spirit.

Broadcasts will take place on the broadcast network The Esports Bible, which already broadcasted the Home Sweet Home franchise previously. Fans can catch the action at and

GRID will be the exclusive data partner once again for the event. GosuGamers is the Official Media Partner of the Pinnacle Cup III - so stay tuned for updates on the tournament.

Pinnacle has yet to confirm the new tournament date -  we will be updating everyone once we have confirmed information to be shared with everyone. Check out our previous coverage to see which teams are expected to play in the tournament.

Sharil "memeranglaut" Abdul RahmanHe dabbles in Esports, checking out what's new and hip with the industry. Outside of Esports and gaming, he likes Japan. Ijou. Check him out at @SharilGosu