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StarCraft19 years agoRaistlin

KotH: Testie vs. Beast

Previously on King of the Hill
» Germany ToT)Mondragon( > Australia Legionnaire (4-2) » Coverage
» Spain SuKeR[pG] > Germany ToT)Mondragon( (4-3) » Coverage
» Spain SuKeR[pG] > Netherlands 2p.ret (4-2) » Coverage
» Canada Nal_Testie > Spain SuKeR[pG](4-2) » Coverage
» Canada Nal_Testie > Norway Eriador[pG](4-0) » Coverage
RulesThe game format is as usual best out of seven. Each game will last until the winner is determined.

All of the games must be played with BWScanner, and if there is to be any shoutcast via Winamp or in some other way, the players are not allowed to listen to it while playing. Should any of the players be caught cheating they will automatically lose the game and be banned from future events on GosuGamers.net.

The first game is on Neo Guillotine and then the loser of the previous game will choose a map from the map pool.Maps
Enter the Dragon 2004
Neo Guillotine
JR's Memory
Namja Iyagi 1.0
Dahlia of Jungle
Neo Gaema Gowon
Gorky Island
Neo Bifrost 2
Lost Temple
Legacy of char
Current King of the Hill - Testietestie-koth.jpg
NameNick Perentesis
LocationCanada Canada
Race Random

Canada Testie won the Canadian Preliminaries for World Cyber Games, and made it far in the Grand Final. In the group play he won all his games, ending 1st in Group L. In the first playoff round, he beat Eriador[pG] just like in the previous KotH round. Next up was Korea forU in a really close match that ended 1-2 in favour for the Korean. With that game, Testie was one of the two who actually beat a korean (apart from the Koreans themselves).Challenger - Beastbeast.jpg
NameChristian Drechsler
LocationBulgaria Bulgaria
Race Terran

Bulgaria Beast, formerly known as [3wD]Christian was mainly chosen as a challenger because of his third place in World Cyber Games, which you can read more about » here. With $5.000 and an experience he won't forget, he stands here by the Hill, challenging the GosuGamers king. Beast is a member of the Bulgarian National team. He recently lost to Taiwan SW)RRB with 0-5 in a Face 2 Face match, so Beast has a thing or two to prove.Pre-game talk with TestieAlright, match predictions first of all?
  • 4-2, 4-1, or 4-0.
Why is that? And which maps will favor you the most and why?
  • Because I am better than beast, and although we have not played in a while I do not recall losing to him very much... if ever. The maps? I have forgotten them. >.< They all favour me. I can choose any race I want on any map, or random. I am quite comfortable with every matchup.
Alright, assume you're in the situation of 0-3. What would you pull of to make it?
  • I would then start using my best builds. As I try not to share them with the public, but in order to hold onto the cherished throne, I just may.
Hehe alright, good luck King!
  • Ty. ;)
Pre-game talk with Beast, the challengerAlright, match predictions first of all?
  • It will kinda depend on what maps we get and what race Testie gets :) I'm quite uncertain about the result :o I hope I win :]
Testie says somewhere between 4-2 to 4-0 in his advance, your comment to that?
  • His arrogance is very cute ^^
Which maps will favor you the most and why?
  • I don't really care about the maps, it will only depend on how much I've played them :) Getting Char vs random will be a bit weird though, I may go random there as well.
    I have no idea what Testie will play actually. If he will choose random or protoss or zerg..so.. Dunno
    I dont like Guillotine much, it's a bit stupid for tvp. The rest of the map pool is fairly balanced imo.
How would you warmup for the match?
  • Hmm I haven't played much since WCG, mostly Z and P in PGT and NG I'll prolly play 2-3 games TvP and TvZ at each map at least the ones that I'm not really good at.


Game 1 on Neo Guillotine

The first map was Guillotine, where Canada Testie warped in at '1 and Bulgaria Beast at '5. Testie decided to go proxy gate, and sent a probe down to the right expansion in the middle to warp in a pylon and later on two gateways. Beast started with the regular wall-in on Guillotine as a Terran and started as soon as he had enough gas with a Factory. About that time, Testie's first Zealot was ready, and immediately made his way down Beast's wall-in and started pounding with his hot psi blades. He also added a pylon outside the wall-in, as his Forge was just about ready in the main base.

Beast, caught a bit off guard, starts to repair the supply depot with a bunch of SCVs, throws up a bunker in his main base, and starts building a Vulture. Despite the reparations, Testie breaks in and makes his way to the peon line. Beast's bunker is however done and filled with marines and backed up with some Vultures that save Beast from the Canadian's attempt to end this early. Meanwhile, Testie expands at his top right and puts up another cannon at the choke, defended with numerous Zealots. Beast has got his machine shop up and running, researching Spider Mines. As soon as it's done, he places four of them in his base.

Vultures moving out

Testie adds a Cybernetics Core and goes for Dragoons as his expansion is done, and Beast now starts to build Tanks to break out of Testie's installation outside the Bulgarian's base. He also starts a Control Tower at the Starport, attempting to do a Vulture/Tank drop. Testie has started another Gateway, now located in his main base, and starts to pump Dragoons. With some really fast Vultures that the Zealots in the choke hardly get a hold on, Beast puts two spider mines at Testie's proxy gates, and rushes towards the peon line in the Protoss' main. Testie remains calm though, with the protection of a Dragoon guarding the Probes.


Now is the time for the drop from Beast, and he fills up the Dropship with a Tank and a Vulture. The drop doesn't go that well, since Testie's Probes were struck with some berserker strength and take out the tank, and the Dragoon helps to kill off the Vultures and the Spider Mines. More Factories coming up for Beast now, starting two more, making it three contra Testie's four Gateways. Testie is ahead in expansions, something that Beast comes up with, and sends another Dropship with the same ingredients to the Protoss expansion. That drop doesn't go so well, but Beast doesn't care. He moves out with all his troops and cleans his way to the middle of the map, but backs off a bit since Testie had placed Dragoons and Zealots there, blocking the way for both the main and the expansion.

One Spider Mine, dozens of victims...

Testie decides to move out, with Observers added to the ordinary Zealot/Dragoon troop and puts Beast's troops down in a fierce fight where both of the players are left with a really small army. Beast, luckily, has already sent for backup, and wins the first really big fight. This causes Beast to get the advantage, and he attacks Testie's expansion with a few Vultures. And thanks to a really well placed Spider Mine and some luck he manages to eliminate the entire peon line, as the screenshot shows. At this time, Testie has a lot of Dragoons, upgraded +1 at the weapons and range, and moves out and forces Beast to say GG by eliminating Beast's army outside the base.

Game 2 on JR's Memory

Map number two was decided to be JR's Memory. Canada Testie as Protoss at the 6’o clock position, Bulgaria Beast as Terran at 9'o clock. Both players start with standard build orders. Testie going for the initial Dragoons and Beast getting two Tanks up, followed by a Vulture force. With mines and speed on the Vultures upgraded, the Bulgarian moves out with his units placing a few mines on the map. Testie makes a Shuttle and a Reaver but his attempt to drop a Reaver and a Zealot in the Terran base is stopped by two Turrets and a small group of units.

Expanding and Carriers

game2moving.jpgBoth players take their natural expansion, a mineral only. Beast is a bit faster than Testie. The Protoss also takes his 2nd natural expansion. The attempt is scouted by Beast and the Bulgarian Terran starts making a Command Center to float to his 2nd natural. He also adds two new Factories. As he is floating it to the expansion he moves out with his force of Tanks. Testie keeps on producing units and also adds two Stargates and a Fleet Beacon.

The Stargates are scanned pretty early and Beast starts building an Armory and aims for Goliaths. Pretty soon after that he moves forward with his existing army. Testie isn’t afraid as he has a pretty decent amount of units himself. Testie sends in his Zealots and Dragoons to demolish the Tanks and Vultures of Beast. At the beginning of the fight Testie seemed to have more units than Beast, and afterwards he had way more units than the Terran.

Goliaths and even more expanding

Beast takes an expansion in the 12'o clock main. And when it finishes he also takes another expansion at the 2nd natural expo to the 12'o clock position. Testie adds some carriers to his forces and starts making some trouble at Beast’s second expansion. He also expands the 3’o clock main and the natural mineral only expansion to it.

game2exp.jpgBeast's top middle expansion is scouted and the Canadian Protoss sends a bunch of units there. The Terran is able to defend as he sends most of his forces to help. Although, he leaves his expansion while there are still 3 Dragoons there. Testie keeps on producing Carriers and eventually adds a third Stargate. He also takes out most of the SCVs at the 12'o clock 2nd natural expansion with a Reaver.

Fighting, fighting, fighting...

Two more expansions are added by Beast. One at the 2nd natural expansion for 3'o clock and one at the 12'o clock natural. At the same time there is a battle on the right part of the map. Testie with his Carriers, Beast with most of his forces. The Protoss has to back off since his forces aren’t enough. Beast moves towards Testies main base, but he is interrupted by Carriers and ground units. 4 of his Goliaths move down to the 2nd expansion of Testie. Almost all Probes are killed, but Carriers come and finish off the Terran units pretty quickly.

Once again Beast moves out with a pretty big force, but his units are eliminated by the units Testie has. The 12'o clock and the 12'o clock natural expansion get wiped out.

Beast is able to kill a couple of Carriers, but when other units come to the battleground he loses most of his Goliaths. Testie also takes out the 3'o clock 2nd natural expansion. More units are added by Beast, but they get killed too. Beast keeps on producing goliaths, but Testie is just too strong at this point.


Testie takes another expansion and kills one of Beast's. A large number of Goliaths attack Testie's 3'o clock natural expansion, but as they get eliminated Beast's main gets killed by a bunch of Carriers and Beast types: "GG".

Game 3 - Dual rush on Luna

testie_beast.gifThe third game was nothing spectacular at all; Testie attacked very early with 6 zerglings but Beast had a couple of marines and a medic in the choke to defend himself. Testie expanded just after and prepared for defense. After training a group of marines and two firebats, Beast attacked the Zerg who was building two new sunkens to protect himself. Beast managed to sneek through to the main where he could finish it off, just to hear this comment:


Game 4 on Nostalgia

In the fourth game on Nostalgia Bulgaria, Beast tries to something different from the other games. He goes Random. The Random versus Random turns out to be a Zerg versus Protoss. Canada Testie as Zerg and Bulgaria Beast as Protoss. The Canadian spawned in at the 1'o clock position and his opponent at the 5'o clock one.

Fast expo vs tech

Testie makes a fast expansion, while Beast goes for fast Reaver technology. Testie starts making hydralisks and when Beast arrives with a Shuttle loaded with one Reaver, the Zerg Hydralisks are able to chase it away from the main, but at the expansion there are already some other units on their way to attack, and the Bulgarian sends his Shuttle there. Testie hurries up to send his drones home to the main base minerals and attacks with some Hydralisks. The first Hydras however die to an evil scarab. Although, Testie is able to defend from the attack as he has more units than Beast.


Back home the Protoss upgrades Zealot speed and builds up 3 more Gateways. He also warps in a Templar archives. Testie exands the 12'o clock expansion and keeps on producing Hydralisks. He also finishes the first attack upgrade on the Hydralisks and immediately starts upgrading the carapace.

Beast moves out with Zealots and a Shuttle with two Reavers. He sends one of his 'Lots to the 12'o clock expansion and finds the Zerg Hatchery. His decision is although to try an attack on the Zerg’s first expansion. That move shows to be a not so good one, since Testie has massed up a large amount of Hydralisks that take care of the Protoss forces pretty easily with low losses.

Beast tries to expand

game4storm.jpgBeast tries to take his natural expansion, but Testie sees it and is quickly there with his Hydralisks to stop the Bulgarian from doing so. Beast at this point has four High Templars, but his storm upgrade is just half done. As soon as the upgrade is done he moves out and kills a large number of Hydralisks that Testie stationed outside the 5’o clock main with a couple of storms and Zealots. He immediately expands his own natural expansion and Testie meanwhile has started an expansion in the 11'o clock main.

Beast tries to go offensive, but Testie easily outmicros the Protoss units as soon as they have left the expansion. With 1-1 on his Hydralisks and a way larger number of units, Testie stops Beast from expanding and keeps him in his base, but only for a while. When Beast gets his first attack upgrade he moves out and chases the Zerg away and also takes his expansion.

A Zealot has been hitting down Testie’s Hatchery at the 12’o clock expansion to very low HP, and a Shuttle with two Zealots gets there and the Zealots quickly finish it off.

Mutalisks eat probes

game4mutas.jpgTestie has been able to get a bunch of Mutalisks up and moves towards the Protoss base. He sees the expansion not finished and with no Probes there, so he continues to the main Nexus. When he gets there he can easily kill many probes since Beast hasn’t got any cannons or any units that attack air in his base. The Protoss moves his probes to the expansion and attempts an attack with the units he has outside the 1'o clock expo, but Testie is able to kill them off and it's a "GG" from Beast.

Game 5 - Mirror matchup at Xeno Sky!

The fifth game stars Canada Testie at '8 and Bulgaria Beast at'10 on Xeno Sky, chosen by Beast. Both players start out pretty much alike, early expanding before the Barracks. Beast is a bit ahead of Testie with the Barracks though, as well as the Refinery. Both players' Barracks are lifted up in the air, and sent to their opponent. They start a Factory each, while looking through eachother's bases with an SCV and the floating Barracks.

Peon line emergency

When the Factory is done, Testie immediately starts constructing two Starports and going for Wraiths while Beast goes for one Starport and a Siege Tank along with Siege mode. Beast moves out after having built an Engineering bay, and starts doing a push on Testie by building Turrets and placing Siege Tanks, in order to take out peons at Testie's peon line. The push gives Beast eight SCV kills, after Testie moves the remnants of his SCVs to his expansion. At the same time this occurs, Testie expands to '5, taking an expansion advantage. But not long after, Beast expands on the top middle island, evening out the score.

Wraith War!

As of now, Beast has added two more Starports, going all in to this Wraith war. And for a while it seems like Testie is going to give this up, especially when Beast attacks with two dropped Tanks and several Wraiths at Testie's natural, eliminating most of it until Testie brings out his own Siege Tanks and Wraiths. 15 minutes in, Beast has the upper hand with five expansions against Testie's three. The purple Terran (Beast) then out of nowhere attempts to take out Testie's '5 o clock expansion with a bunch of Wraiths and Siege Tanks, but Testie's on to him. He's got some Valkyries and Wraiths with cloaking that save his expansion.


Just seconds after, Testie does a double attack that settles the game. 1. Four battlecruisers and Valkyries at Beast's main base, taking out important buildings, and 2. Two Siege Tanks and lots of SCVs killing Beast's '5 expansion. And despite Beast's Goliaths and beginning of a Battlecruiser army himself, Testie plows through his opponent's base with a 2-3-3 armada, ending the game.

Testie 4-1 Beast

Canada Testie> Bulgaria Beast@ Neo Guillotine1-0» Replay Canada Testie> Bulgaria Beast@ JR's Memory2-0» Replay
Canada Testie< Bulgaria Beast@ Luna2-1» Replay Canada Testie> Bulgaria Beast@ Nostalgia3-1» Replay Canada Testie> Bulgaria Beast@ Xeno Sky4-1» Replay

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