Three teams will be eliminated in the fourth day at the Manila Major playoffs, and first to go were Natus Vincere who were defeated by Kuro Salehi 'KuroKy' Takhasomi’s squad.
Game One
An odd draft that lacked the damage burst to swipe through Liquid’s innate tankiness put NA’VI at big disadvantage once team fights started. Despite their good start with first blood and a couple of kills secured really early on the back of Enchantress’s rotation, NA’Vi was not able to maintain the lead once Liquid’s Dragon Knight and Lone Druid showed in fights.
On top of that, Liquid made sure they secured every Roshan spawn and with the Aegis of the Immortal always placed on the Lone Druid they went for objectives. However, NA’VI’s line up was pretty strong when it came to high ground defense due to their multiple crowd control spells and they even managed to kill four Liquid heroes the first time they took a punt at Dire’s tier three towers. However, they’ve never been able to pose a threat to Liquid’s base at any point and lost the game at the 40 minute mark.
Game Two
Facing elimination, NA’Vi chose strong picks for their cores, emphasizing early aggression and heavy push. For the most part they were in control and Danil 'Dendi' Ishutin on his Queen of Pain had perfect laning against Adrian 'FATA-' Trinks‘s Death Prophet, Akbar 'SoNNeikO' Butaev found courier snipes to delay Liquid’s progress and was quite disruptive for the jungle Beastmaster.
NA’VI’s downfall came from a nearly uncontested in farm Timbersaw who become impossible to catch and who made the difference in team fights. At the 24 minute mark he managed to catch four NA’Vi heroes in the mid lane with his Chakram on top of a DP ultimate which allowed Liquid to take a very fast Roshan kill and melee barracks bottom and mid lane. Five minutes later NA’VI was once again caught in the enemy jungle and this time they got five men wiped and eliminated from Manila Major.
This is NA’VI’s first participation at Valve’s majors and will end with a top eight placement. For Team liquid the quest for the trophy continues in the lower bracket where they will face later today Fnatic.
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