Pick, winrate and bans of heroes during the Manila Major qualifiers (Source: Dotabuff)
Doom has recieved a nerf and heroes looking to build a Sliver Edge will be required to spend 300 more gold in the c iteration of Patch 6.87.
Applied after the conclusion of the Manila Major qualifiers, patch 6.87c brought changes to a few popular heroes and a few unpicked heroes. There were also more general tweaks made, including a ten gold increase in price of a Wind Lace and its removal from the side shop, and the introduction of a recipe when building a Sliver Edge.
For the complete patch notes, consult this link.
Some of the bigger changes
After proving to be extremely popular and having a 54% win rate during the Manila Major qualifiers, Doom has received the biggest nerf this patch, with his infernal blade's burn base damage "reduced from 40 to 25/30/35/40". The ability now deals 100/120/140/160 of base damage over the four second burn, making it a slightly less potent tool for ganking in the early game.
Silver Edge:
Being a convenient item to get when building a Manta/Skadi/Linken's/Hex after a Shadow Blade, an additional 300 gold recipe might force many cores such as Slark to forgo a Silver Edge in favor of their next item. The change also makes Shadow Blade a less attractive option, giving squishy heroes without escapes an indirect buff.
Vengeful Spirit:
Having a tight mana pool in her early levels, this hero-- primarily played as a support-- has had her "intelligence reduced from 15 + 1.75 to 13 + 1.5". This means that Vengeful Spirit has 24 mana less to work with, forcing the player to choose between the ability to cast two magic missiles or one magic missile and a wave of terror at level two.
Source: Dota2.com
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