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Latest update brings key changes to CS:GO

A new patch has been released for CS:GO, containing some major changes to in-game content, including crucial adjustements made to general gameplay and the Cobblestone map, along with the addition of tournament support.

The update was released this morning and is a mere 53MB in size, however some major changes have been made; players can now see clearly faster after rushing through smoke. This is sure to have a big impact on the way the game is played, especially at the higher level.

With this update comes the addition of tournament support, in wake of the upcoming major tournament, ESL One Katowice, with changes made to the GOTV spectating feature (see below for patch notes).

In relation to map changes, the only map that has been adjusted is Cobblestone with a total of 9 changes, this comes after the maps update in a previous patch. Below you can see the changes that have been made to Cobblestone.

The following are the patch notes released by Valve:

Smoke screen overlay fades faster now when exiting smokes quickly.
Adjusted boundaries of smoke screen overlay slightly.

Added server setting sv_reliableavatardata: when enabled player avatars are reliably exchanged between all players and casters on the game server, reliably delivered to GOTV spectators, and recorded in demo files.
Added the ability to specify team logos just like we specify team names or flags (via convars mp_teamlogo_1 and mp_teamlogo_2 using team’s shorthand image name).
Team logos now show in the spectator scoreboard, the win panel and the player scoreboard.
Added a new win panel string that shows the team name if they win the round.

Added ff_damage_bullet_penetration convar to control how much penetration power and damage is scaled when hitting a friendly when FF is off.
Fixed pistol muzzle flash so it no longer stretches to the map origin at low framerates.
Fixed fog clearcolor calculation that caused free-cam spectators to see bright colors behind level geometry.
Speculative fix for spectating audio bug.
Added player flashbang visual indicators with a progress bar that shows over players heads when you are watching via GOTV.
Updated the first person flash effect when spectating someone via GOTV.
Fixed bug which stopped CS:GO from working on OSX Snow Leopard.
Added flavor text to the Bravo Collection weapons.
Added 5 new Music Kit Offers.
Added 12 new Sticker Offers.
Fixed gamepads being reset and deactivated on map load.
Added support for hot-plugging of gamepads rather than requiring that they be connected prior to game launch.

Removed various boosts
Further optimizations
Tweaked layout of underpass room
Moved door from CT side to T side of underpass
Made cubby at entrance to Bombsite A smaller
Widened arch at end of long A
Set correct surface types on textures
Brightened haystacks at entrance to Long A
Updated collision on broken wall in bombsite A and B

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