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CS:GO Client update Sept. 3 - changes for CZ75-Auto, de_cobblestone and de_dust2

This week's patch has brought a changes to CZ75-Auto pistol, de_cobblestone and de_dust2 maps. The auto pistol's prise has increased to $500 and is now placed into the Tec9/Five-seveN slot. Cobblestone has gone through major changes, while the dust2 got A bomb site expanded.

The CZ75-Auto now costs $500 and it's moved to Tec9/Five-seveN slot, which means that P250 will now remain solo in its slot. This is a result of long and heated discussions among the CS:GO community.

One of the newly added maps to the competitive pool is de_cobblestone. It was also a subject of numerous discussions and the devs have decided to adjust it a bit more towards the T side. On the other hand, de_dust2 have had only two changes. The A bomb site is expanded outside the boxes and the collision on door of the B bomb site has been smoothed.

Here is a full changelog:

-The CZ75-Auto has been moved from the P250 slot to the Tec9/Five-seveN slot and its price has been raised to $500.
-Flashbang blast and HE grenade explosion damage now travels through water volumes (thanks starix)
-Buy time in official competitive config has been reduced to 20 seconds.
-Teamkill money penalty in official competitive config has been changed to -$300.

–Added T spawns to lower position, prioritized them over battlement spawns
–Added ladder from bottom of T spawn to battlement near T sniper tower
–Neutralized corner when moving through archhouse on B upper catwalk
–Neutralized corner when entering B site through connector
–Moved back CT spawns
–Tightened entrance corridor to Long A, T side
–Reduced depth of CT sniper room and made windows more open
–Reconfigured B tunnels for faster T rotation time
–Added path from T side of underpass into B tunnels
–Reduced sightlines from back of B to entrances
–Lowered railing at back of B to make characters on platform easier to spot
–Cut out area behind the toilet in back of B
–Minor lighting/texturing changes at A for better visibility
–Rotated window overlooking connector

–Expanded bomb plant zone at Bombsite A to include outside of boxes
–Smoothed out collision on door to Bombsite B

Source: CS:GO official blog

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