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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Interview with Midian[pG]


After the interview with Mondragon[pG] yesterday, iG.newHABIT just sat down with another player of pro-gaming. He managed to beat Lx in the clanwar between [pG] and China : Midian[pG]

This is the second interview by Sweden iG.newHABIT after the former interview with Germany Mondragon[pG] which you can read » here. Today it is time for a second interview, this time we will get to know more about the Zerg player from United Kingdom United Kingdom: Midian[pG]. Midian played against China Legend)lx in the clanwar between China and [pG] and won his game with 2-0 against the new Chinese professional player. Enjoy the interview!

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[Habit]: Hi Jamie, Age Sex and Race please.

[Midian] Hi Johan. I'm 21 (5 days ago!), Male and Zerg

[Habit]: Congrats! What do you do nowadays? Since you are not often seen in the known channels in Europe?

[Midian]: I hide in the lesser known channels on Europe! I spend some time on PGTour also and I have just started back in college so I don't have quite as much time nowadays.

[Habit]: Even though you dont got that much time, you still managed to beat a Progamer know as Legend)lx with a 2-0 result in the recent battle between [pG] and China. Did you believe you could do so or was it a suprise that you did?

[Midian]: Well, I had belief, but at the same time I wouldn't have been disappointed losing to him. Since recently I've been somewhat ill, a bout of flu or something and my form has been pretty bad recently. But I played ok both games and managed to pull through, probably 2 of the better games I've played in the last month or so.

[Habit]: Could you please describe those two matches in short? For those who havent seen them.

[Midian]: Hm both games were on Luna, the first game I was top right and he was bottom right. I was expecting him to either try a fast expand or a forge into expand with the possibility of offensive cannons. He looked to do that and expanded after he realised he couldn't. He build up some +1 speed zealots, attacked a couple of times which I fended off with lings,drones + the odd sunken, and some +1 carapace that arrived just in time! after then he continued to mass the usual units, i teched hive, massed ultra ling and won a couple of big fights which pretty much ended it.

Game 2, he fast expanded again as expected, but looked to go sair/reaver. I did some damage with hydras early, expanded and hid 20+ muta, it was clearly a surprise to him as he hadn't built more than 6 or so corsairs and a bunch of reavers. He tried to expand but I had all map and ended it with guardian/devourer and hydra.

[Habit]: Very nice games indeed. Well done!

[Midian]: : )

[Habit]: Recently it was announced that UK are going to have BroodWar in their WCG qualifications, was it a suprise?

[Midian]: Ya, I certainly didn't expect it, infact just before it was announced I had another small online interview and called the previous organisers "fuck faces"! Ironically the new organisers granted my wish and now I have the chance!

[Habit]: Bad manner Jamie T_T

[Midian]: :D Well my opinion still stands

[Habit]: I dont doubt it! You are of course a huge favourite in that event, but is there anyone you consider to be a threat ?

[Midian]: here are a lot of zerg players, and I'm not too confident with ZvZ on azalea. So I could lose a game there, and maybe I'd go on tilt after that and lose again. At the moment I'm pretty confident overall, the better players
aren't even as active as I am so really I should be a huge favourite, we'll see I guess! Maybe my nerves won't hold and I'll be upset like anon was.

[Habit]: How are you feeling towards the 2005 WCG maps? Is there anyone in particular you dont like?

[Midian]: Well being zerg I'm never a great fan of island maps! :D But really I don't mind them too much overall , I just dislike ZvZ on azalea ;)

[Habit]: Thinking about the huge interest in Starcraft Broodwar that has been crawling up lately, do you think this years WCG will be better than before?

[Midian]: Hm! I think from a foreigner point of view, probably not! A lot of the top non korean players are going to be missing for one reason or another, players such as mondi, ret, froz, grrrr, naz, elky and legionnaire? I'm sure the tournament will begreat fun nevertheless, but less hope for a high placed foreigner in my opinion

[Habit]: Legionnaire are in the lead of the AUS qualifications. So he'll probably enter.

[Midian]: Ah, that's cool, but overall so many great players from last year/year before/current top players who can't go missing is such a disappointment T_T!

[Habit]: Which foreigner player you consider to be the best and also best suited to face the koreans in the WCG playoffs ?

[Midian]: From the ones who qualified/will qualify (testie :)?) Testie proved he has what it takes to compete last year when he beat foru once, and should've won the series 2-1. Apart from him, maybe sen, but I can't see anyone else beating the koreans personally

[Habit]: Due to the popularity in BroodWar, new teams has been formed. Such as TmG, mYm and Play.iT Should we expect other greats team such as SK, mTw.ati mouse'Esports do form teams aswell?

[Midian]: Well I believe there was some chitchat about SK, but really I don't take a great deal of notice of rumours. I guess it's just something we'll have to wait and see

[Habit]: How do you believe [pG] will stand a chance if you were to face those teams who recerntly surfaced?

[Midian]: All those teams boast strong lineups, but I'm mondragon with this one! I believe [pG] will prevail! ;)

[Habit]: Stop making the flirt smiley, it's ugly... so ugly.

[Midian]: You can't deny the sexy wink of ownage ;) !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Habit]: Thus you force me to close down this interview.. Thanks for your time and good luck @ WCG!

[Midian]: ;) ! You're welcome ! ;)

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