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General11 years agoDreXxiN

coL.PR0LLY talks about his innovative style in the LCS

Ever since Pr0lly has reunited with Lautemortis in Team Complexity, the North American LCS has been fresh and full of new, fun styles.

Only just this last weekend, PR0LLY stepped his toes into the arena of the Championship Series. After participating with LCS, he immediately earned MvP with unconventional picks like Annie, Ziggs, and Jarvan IV in the mid lane. Once on a professional team known as Legion with Lautemortis, their synergy shows and is shining through stronger than ever.

On top of knowing what he's doing, PR0LLY seems incredibly talented, claiming that "that was his first Annie game" during the LCS this weekend. Watch the interview to learn more.


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