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General12 years agoDreXxiN

Asia Crushes the last remaining Team

With the previously unprecedented #1 team of Moscow 5 and the decisive victory Azubu had over CLG.EU, is there any hope left for NA and EU within the future?

Game 1 launches off as perhaps one of the most anticipated matches at the World's, being a rematch of the Korean finals in OGN league. Snoopeh goes crazy initially and coordinates tremendously well with Wickd, getting two fast games right off the bat and setting Wickd way ahead.

CLG.EU vs Azubu Frost Game 1
CLG BansAZF Bans
jax blitzcrank orianna kogmaw irelia anivia
CLG picks AZF picks
jayce Top

alistar Bot
karthus Mid

maokai Jungle
ezreal Bot
shen Jungle
yorick Top

morgana Mid
soraka Bot

missfortune Bot

Unfortunately this success would be short lived, as they get greedy a bit top and get baited into a well timed Shen ult by Shy, grabbing a kill on Wickd during a dive. Wasting no time to make up for this shortcoming, CLG makes an attempt at dragon. They manage to pick it up as well as securing a few kills, but Azubu gets away with picking off Snoopeh with oracles, resulting in diminishing map vision for CLG.

CLG makes a big play and takes advantage of their superior sustain, battling bottom at the inner tower for what feels to be decades until Froggen lands a clutch binding on Frost's AD carry, getting the pick on him and pushing onward.
CLG is not hesitant and continues to push their advantage with sustain taking tower after tower and ripping Azubu to shreds. After Shen picks a poor time to split push, CLG takes a free inhib followed by a baron, and steamrolls them to start the series off 1-0.

Game 2 erupts with AZF wasting no time and aggressing early, securing Snoopeh's wraiths. It turns out RapidStar wasn't doing too bad himself, as she managed to pick up the first blood on Froggen with a few ganks, pressing her lead and melting the top tower down and taking dragon.

CLG.EU vs Azubu Frost Game 2
AZF BansCLG Bans
irelia jayce karthus blitzcrank jax anivia
AZF picks CLG picks
ezreal Bot

maokai Jungle
vladimir Top

ahri Mid
sona Bot
orianna Mid
skarner Jungle

nunu Bot
kogmaw Bot

shen Top

Seizing their huge lead, they continue their constant jungle aggro and tower pressure, To counter the pressure, Wickd tries his best to take a tower and succeeds in doing so, but at the cost of Azubu picking up yet another free dragon. At this point, things are looking grim for CLG and they take baron uncontested, picking off CLG like predators.

Azubu takes full control of the game, taking barons, melting CLG's towers, and applying a lot of pressure. CLG absolutely forfeits their jungle and Azubu overwhelms them like a strong zerg and takes the series to a 1-1.

Game 3 Lifts off with Shy on his infamous Singed, who was extremely successful earlier in the tournament to everyone's surprise. In typical Azubu fashion, Azubu's mind is on Snoopeh's jungle, and Singed manages to steal his wraiths single handedly, though taking a bit of poke damage as punishment.

CLG.EU vs Azubu Frost Game 3
CLG BansAZF Bans
jax blitzcrank ahri irelia jayce anivia
AZF picks CLG picks
ezreal Bot

sona Bot
morgana Mid

riven Top
maokai Jungle
zyra Bot
skarner Jungle

vladimir Mid
graves Bot

singed Top

All things are looking okay and turning out normal, but the tension is high. Everywhere but top, that is. Here we see Shy running circles around Wickd, farming past the tower, and baiting the enemy into a 1v2 favoring himself, grabbing a demoralizing kill in a 1v2 situation.

Not letting the embarassing loss in the skirmish move them too harshly, CLG keeps their head straight and takes control of Dragon, accomplishing the grab on the beast. Alas, Shy has abused his lead exponentially and has become too strong for CLG to stop him from rampaging wherever he roams. Shy leads his team to victory by doing whatever he pleases, keeping pressure on the map for Azubu Frost while they take objectives such as towers and dragons.

The game is looking dark for CLG and they gradually lose control. Regrettably, Azubu just becomes unstoppable and the game is carried to a 2-1 in favor of Azubu, heavily influenced by the uncommon pick of Singed, clearly MvP of this series.


The Asian teams raise supreme and they'll be having a showdown at 7:00 PST Saturday That you won't want to miss. Find out who will truly be crowned the kings of Season 2.

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