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General12 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Zekent: 'I expect us to be a contender in season 3'

Absolute Legends recently conducted an interview with their top laner, Zekent.
In a short interview, George "Zekent" Liu explained why he made the move from Heroes of Newerth to LoL. "Most of my friends played LoL," he said. "Plus my computer ran LoL much more smoothly than HoN at the time." That turned out to be a good decision for him as he was picked up to play on Absolute Legends' American team. "Each of my teammates is a very talented player," he said. "I look forward to playing together with them."

That team spirit seems to be paying off, according to the support player. "We’ve been doing quite well as far as improving game to game in scrims," he said. "I expect us to be a strong contender come season 3."

Strong words indeed, but Zekent then explained why he changed roles for the AL team, saying "the team needed a top over a support and I already had prior experience as a top lane player." During his time as a high level League player, Zekent also made a reputation for playing unusual champions like Poppy or AP Janna. "Poppy can only be picked in and against very specific team comps," he said. "Janna and Blitzcrank can be picked in almost any situation."

Absolute Legends - Source

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