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LoL11 years ago

Counter Logic Gaming to meet Fnatic in the semi-finals

The Turkish team fell to the hands of Counter Logic Gaming, resulting in both LCS teams moving on to meet outer-regional counterparts in the semi-finals.


Game 1 started grimly for TQL immediately with all lanes having a shoving advantage, resulting in a very early double kill from the hands of CLG.  With the advantage acquired from the two kills, Doublelift found himself not only a vamp scepter ahead, but also nearly doubling the CS of his lane opponent and holding onto doublebuff. Not all hope was lost early for TQL though, with Nientonsoh overextending, allowing for a gank that landed Thaldrin his first kill.

Keeping their head in the game, TQL actually accelerated ahead of CLG in gold, winning the 2v2's top and snowballing Nientonsoh in a negative direction.  However, with most of the pressure centered at the top of the map, Doublelift and Aphromoo were able to kill the first tower bottom before the ten minute mark hit. After a game-turning dragon steal in a 4v5 that also allowed Thaldrin to split push top tower, CLG found themselves over 1k gold behind.

This dragon steal nearly spelled defeat for CLG as they couldn't secure it in a 5v4.

TQL continued to put themselves into solid teamfight positions, lagging behind in towers by one, but taking a commanding lead in dragons.  A fight erupted after the dragon fight where TQL had the advantage, however, but TQL's greed was too great. Their drive to take more than they needed ensured a comeback for CLG, where Doublelift was able to pound out high damage and acquire a triple kill and yet another double buff.

Like moke amateur teams, TQL showed amazing play early, but displayed hardships when falling behind.  With just a few mistakes being capitalized by CLG, they quickly turned the game 180 degrees and made short work of the team in the first game of the set.


In Game 2, Doublelift, Nientonsoh, and Link continue to show their extensive repertoire of champions by picking heroes they never played in LCS.  CLG kicked off the game by punishing small mistakes early, finding themselves pulling ahead in lane once again.  In five minutes, Doublelift and Aphromoo sacrificed the farm advantage to rotate mid for an incredibly fast early tower.

The game was looking to be much more one-sided this time around with CLG playing a cleaner game, sweeping away the bottom lane and taking the first dragon at the ten minute mark.  Nientonsoh's calculated, defensive play top allowed him to stay even with Renekton, a much larger lane bully. CLG's map control was far superior at this point, and Link was granted access to push the inner middle tower down solo.

Link solo pressuring inner middle tower, an incredible feat on the tournament level.

To end the game, Counter Logic Gaming showed they did their homework, taking complete map control and making sure they didn't throw as they've done so many times in the LCS. CLG took a steadfast approach to end the game, covering a fed Doublelift on Lucian with a defensive line-up and decisively taking the victory, moving on to face Fnatic in the semi-finals.

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The rest of the tournament kicks off tomorrow with Cloud 9 facing off against Gambit Gaming starting at 11:00 CET. The current results are as follows:



