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LoL11 years ago

WePlay announces first international invitational has invited thirteen Challenger teams from the European servers and surrounding area and will hold qualifiers to fill additional slots for a $2,000 prize pool tournament., a streaming platform, is getting involved in the off season for competitive League of Legends.  They are hosting a $2,000 prize pool tournament and inviting noteable teams from the European and surrounding servers, including SK Gaming, Turkey's Dark Passage, Copenhagen Wolves, and MeetYourMakers.  Three spots remain open and will be filled by the top two teams from EUW qualifiers, held on November 14th, and the top team from the CIS region qualifier, held on Russian servers on November 16th.

The tournament will be single round elimination, best of three.  After the first round, the games will be decided by best of five series.  The tournament will take place from November eighteenth to December fifth.  The first place team will receive $1,500 in prizes, the second place team will receive $500, and third and fourth place teams will receive five Logitech G300 mice: one for each player.

Currently invited teams:

 SK Gaming: fredy112, Jesiz, Svenskeren, CandyPanda, Nyph
 MeetYourMakers: Kubon, Mokatte, Czaru, Makler, Libik
 Copenhagen Wolves: YoungBuck, Amazing, cowTard, Forg1ven, Unlimited
 TCM-Gaming: Jwaow, Naruterador, Belgianbeast, Motroco, BarneyD
 Ultra Vires: Nbs, Alunir, Mazzerin, DeadlyBrother, karalius
 Dark Passage: fabulous, ReostA, Naru, Holyphoenix, Holythoth
 H2k-Gaming: Xaxus, Jankos, Overpow, Celaver, VandeR
 The RED: FIRees, DimaJke, Fomko, NikSar, Dimonko
 Heroes Team: Jookiez, Kikis, Sebekx, Woolite, Elendix
 n!faculty: noway4u, Blooddragon, Nurok, fredericooo, RhyminSimon
 Team Dignitas UK: Nitrix, Impaler, DxAlchemist, Samwise, Yerrow
 AVA eSport: Terry, BroeBroe, Bigg00se, Slyv3r, Muvert
 RoughNeX: MikeyR, Mowarth, Tiridus, Strategas, Niko3333
