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MSS in the Quincy Crew jacket at TI10
Dota 23 years ago

MSS parts ways with Quincy Crew, aims at a fresh start in Europe

Arif "MSS" Anwar departs from Quincy Crew in the aftermath of The International 10 and looks for a regional change for the next competitive year. 

MSS is the second Quincy Crew member to officially announce his exit from the team, after their offlane player Rodrigo “Lelis” Santos has done the same a week ago. MSS’s exit also marks the end of one of the longest standing support-duos in North America.

MSS and Avery "SVG/LoA" Silverman have been together since the early 2018 days of VGJ.Storm and stuck together through all iterations of QC, Forward Gaming and Chaos Esports Club.  Although they didn’t compete together at TI9, SVG taking a competitive break through the short-lived NA roster of the Chinese organization, they were reunited in the post TI9 shuffle when Quincy Crew built the roster that would fight for a spot at TI10.

Through his over eight years of competitive play, MSS has made the transition from mid to offlane and position four. And while he hasn’t really played in the mid lane in a very long time, he is still open to going back to the offlane according to his short post made on Twitter regarding his exit from QC.

Upon his departure, Quincy Crew is down to three players and it’s unclear at this point if the squad will still exist and compete through North America at the end of the post TI10-shuffle. According to an announcement made by the team manager, Jack "KBBQ" Chen, right after QC’s elimination from TI10, fans should expect “significant changes” as “it’s time for people to explore other opportunities”.

Quincy Crew current roster:

Yawar “YawaR” Hassan
Quinn “Quinn” Callahan
Avery “LoA” Silverman

Andreea "Div1" EsanuI can resist anything but temptations... Follow me @DivDota