Picture courtesy of Fnatic.com
The Fnatic vs FaZe game was nothing short of an explosive spectacle for both teams.
With the return of OlofGod, most people knew that FaZe would have no chance against the reunited Fnatic roster. FaZe put up a valiant effort, but alas OlofGod combined with JW and Flusha proved to be a bit of a challenge for the FaZe clan roster.
The game was off to a good start for Fnatic with an explosive 3K from Olofmeister followed by a pretty disrespectful knife kill by Flusha which left the crowd screaming. On the FaZe side, the only player who did any significant work during the first pistol round was Aizy, as we all mostly expected, bringing the game to a 1-0 lead for Fnatic. On the second round things were a bit more hectic as FaZe put up quite a good defence, despite their resounding loss on the first round.
It would have been a fast 1-1 had it not been for Krimz picking up a defuse kit and defusing the bomb at the last possible second, bringing the game to a 2-0. The next round was a bit more interesting as it was closer than before. It would have gone to Fnatic, had it not been for a low health fox throwing a molotov on the bomb, sending the 10HP Krimz running for his life and bringing the game to a 2-1. The next few rounds were nothing short of a massacre.
JW and Olofmeister completely destroyed FaZe's defence with Olof coming in with some crazy aggressive pushes, levelling the playing field fairly well. Despite Aizy getting a quad kill on one of the round, other players' failures combined with rain's failed clutch on round 9, brought the game to a demoralizing 8-2. The next few rounds, however, were different. KioshiMa started the comeback by getting a 4k on the 11th round and bringing the game to an 8-3 score line, which started the FaZe comeback. It was all nice and well, with a complete shutdown of the attacking side on round 13, however things went back in Fnatic's favour in the 14th round when JW got a 4k and brought the game to a 9-5 score line.
Despite Aizy and Kio carrying the FaZe clan through this game, a strong Fnatic offensive combined with a flanking attack from Olof on round 16, brought the game to a staggering 13-5, before FaZe had anything to say about it. On round 19, FaZe began getting aggressive towards the Fnatic player and continued to do so until they brought the game half to a too-close-for-comfort 15-12 score line. On the final pistol round, FaZe's chances were looking slim and their hopes were destroyed when Olof opened up the pistol round and subsequently won Fnatic the game with a respectable 16-12 final score.
The Cobblestone game was...quite different. Fnatic opened up the game with JW getting a 3K with the pistol and a nice 2K with a MAG-7 in the second round followed by Flusha's MP9 double kill in the 3rd, bringing the game to a quick 3-0 for Fnatic. The rest of the game is nothing short of humiliating. Fnatic barrelled through the FaZe offense, with Flusha getting a great ace in round 10 and Olof getting 2 kills through the smoke in round 12, it came to be 13-0 before the FaZe offense woke up and did something. They fought on bravely in the next few rounds, with rain getting a great 4K in round 18. However, the Fnatic defence was simply too much for the FaZe clan, ending the game with an embarrassing 16-5 score line, sending Fnatic to the next round in the ELEAGUE Tournament.
Headline picture courtesy of Carlton Beener/ESL Flickr