After some fantastic performances as a stand-in, Epsilon have made the decision to give Jerry "xelos" Råberg the final place in the team roster.
After the departure of Andreas "MOkEN" Karlsson on April 17 from the team, Epsilon found themselves without a fifth deciding to bring in Swedish fragger, Jerry "xelos" Råberg, as a temporary stand-in. With a total of 40 current maps played with the team, Jerry has been able to demonstrate some strong performances and despite a disappointing finish of 5-6th place at the EU Minor the to-be Epsilon Roster was able to turn things around with their recent qualification to this years DreamHack Summer event.
With the chance at a $500,000 prize pool during the DreamHack Summer ZOWIE Open, which is due to take place on June 18-21 Epsilon have made the decision to sign xelos on to an official spot in the team.
With the addition of the 23 year old to the team, the Epsilon roster stands as follows:
Jerry "xelos" Råberg
William "draken" Sundin
Fredrik "REZ" Sterner
Frendrik "freddieb" Buö
Joakim"disco doplan" Gidetun
Front page image courtesy of Epsilon Twitter