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Overwatch9 years ago

GosuGamers Overwatch Weeklies revert back to One Hero limit

We are back with our GosuGamers Overwatch Weeklies, now with $1,000 prizepools, and 128 team brackets! And a One Hero Limit!​

We had another great weekend of competitive Overwatch, but let's be honest, it could have been better. We have heard all your feedback, have considered the options, and will be going back to a One Hero Limit ruleset for the forseeable future. We know this is not a perfect option either, but until something changes in the game balance or the viewers tell us otherwise, we believe the one-hero limit is the best way to go.

As always, we are happy to have SoylentMatcherino, G2A, ROCCATPF.GG and OWKings on board as sponsors for the month of July. Without their help, we would not be able to provide a $1000 prizepool for every single Weekly.

Some donator messages from last weekend, thanks for your contributions to the scene:

  • "I look forward to seeing Overwatch grow to be the top eSport!" - oddbytegames
  • "nice job guys, please go on with your good work =)" - Sloddor
  • "Now I hate Tracer again. All is right in Overwatch." - HypocriteOpportunist

GosuGamers Overwatch Weeklies EU

  • $1,000 per week
  • Saturday 18 CEST / 12 EDT / 9 PDT
  • Max 128 teams
  • Double Elimination
  • One Hero Limit!
  • EU Server, but open to teams from all regions

Register your team here.

GosuGamers Overwatch Weeklies NA

  • $1,000 per week
  • Sunday 21 CEST / 15 EDT / 12 PDT
  • Max 128 teams
  • Double Elimination
  • One Hero Limit!
  • NA Server, but open to teams from all regions

Register your team here.

To repeat how the events will be run:

  • Double Elimination 128 team Bracket
  • Pre-selected maps for Lower Bracket BO1 matches
  • BO1 matches until RO8 in Winners Bracket, BO3 afterwards
  • BO1 matches until LB Finals in Losers Bracket, BO3 finals
  • BO5 Finals with 1 map advantage for WB team

Hopefully July can provide some teams with the opportunity to jump to the highest tier, and provide even more teams with their first experience in competitive Overwatch! So tune in this weekend, at Twitch.TV/GosuGamers, for a ton of amazing Overwatch. As always, we are available for questions on our Discord primarily, or on Twitter.

For more competitive Overwatch news, follow us @GosuOverwatch.