Elementz leaves his coaching position at Coast with no bad blood to play on his team, Area of Effect. The roster includes Nickwu, LiquidInori, Yahoodotcom, and Diamond.
After an announcement two months ago that Coast would be recruiting a sister team, Cody "Elementz" Sigfusson updates his fans to reveal he is leaving the Coast organization and his position as coach all together. He claims he has no hard feelings toward Coast, and they left on good terms, as he just really wanted to be a player again.
His new team is known as Area of Effect Gaming, and the roster includes Nicholas "Nickwu" Wu Smith, who has played top for XDG Gaming, Team MRN, and CompLexity Gaming in the past. In addition, Elementz has picked up three solo queue stars to fill out his roster, namely the well known Ezreal player, Diamond, YahooDotCom, and Liquid Inori.
Elementz claims that time away from the professional scene has helped him get back to playing, and for now his team hopes to play in the Coke Zero League, also known as LCS Lite. In the meantime, you can take a peak at Area of Effect by watching Elementz's stream, as he will sometimes broadcast scrims.