In collaboration with 10K Tournaments, the hosts of the Amateur LCS, a UK Championship Series featuring 10 teams will kick off on January 14th.
The tournament will be played in a Round-Robin format over the course of 16 weeks and will be played at as a live event rather than one using the tournament realm or EU-West. The prize pool is not set in stone, but features (as listed from the source):
- £2000 Cash
- 20 full sets of Tesoro peripherals (Keyboards, Mice and Mouse Mats).
- Additional Sponsorship opportunities for 1st Place.
- Your team featured as the next season's host! (Ex. The "Team Name" UK Championship Series, Powered by Tesoro Technologies)
While 6 teams have been invited, the rest is to be announced, with any team hailing from United Kingdom being able to attend the event. If a team is registered as a UK team but does not live there, they are still eligible to compete as long as they take care of their own travel.
Source - 10kTournaments