The Copenhagen Wolves continued their surprising success by defeating the Ninjas in Pyjamas in a swift, two game series.
The start of the first game of the series looked like it might go in the favor of Ninjas in Pyjamas. They chose a heavy pressure strategy by sending Freeze's Caitlyn and Mithy's Annie in the mid lane where no one on Copenhagen Wolves seemed to want to face them. They eventually sent Forg1ven's Lucian and Unlimited's Fiddlesticks to hold mid and save the tower. The extra farm NiP's laners were able to get as a result of the swaps put them slightly ahead, but even with a Nunu jungle and Caitlyn marksman composition, they were unable to take early towers. As a result, Nunu fell behind Amazing's Lee Sin in his ability to soak damage, and Zorozero's Renekton could not stop Youngbuck's monstrous split-pushing Shen. Copenhagen Wolves took the victory in a relatively close game.
Understanding that they would have to close out the game before ZoroZero's Jax ramped up, Copenhagen Wolves adopted their opponent's early push mid strategy with their duo lane Lucian and Fiddlesticks, but Ninjas in Pyjamas' Freeze and Mithy did not rotate to respond, and the team lost their first two mid lane towers by ten minutes as a response. Taking advantage of early access to Ninjas in Pyjamas' jungle, the Copenhagen Wolves covered the map with wards and were able to almost perfectly counter their opponent's rotations by taking more advantageous objectives like second tier turrets for first tier turrets. Ultimately, the global gold advantage made the Copenhagen Wolves much stronger than Ninjas in Pyjamas when the teams finally fought five vs five in the bottom lane, and Copenhagen Wolves were able to almost seemlessly take the second match of the series.
Copenhagen Wolves surprised many this tournament by taking out both SK Gaming and Ninjas in Pyjamas in two games each. It is fair to say that their recent roster changes have aided them in their bid to join the LCS in the upcoming season. After the games, Deficio, previous support player and current manager of Ninjas in Pyjamas, stated that one thing was for sure; NiP would not be choosing Copenhagen Wolves as their opponents in the upcoming Promotion Tournament.