Copenhagen Wolves ravage their way past SK Gaming at IEM Cologne
Copenhagen Wolves looked brutal against the entirely new lineup of the SK Gaming. They easily crushed the team in a 2-0 win earning them the final spot of the amateur tournament.
The second match of the day consisted between Copenhagen Wolves and SK Gaming. This is the first look at the roster of SK Gaming since the departure of Ocelote from SK Gaming's starting lineup. Both teams look to come in with changes to their rosters and advance forward with hoping of making it back into the LCS starting next split.
Copenhagen Wolves and SK Gaming were the second teams to play in today's games of IEM Cologne. Both games started out fairly normally as their were not aggression from either teams. Due to matchup advantages the Wolves managed to get firstblood when Jesiz's Riven dared to stay with minimal health against Zyra. The game continued with a tower trade 10 minutes in with SK getting the outer top turret while CowTard grabbed the mid. The game was fairly close however even with the first blood as both teams only had a 100 gold difference at 10 minutes.
It was at that point Copenhagen Wolves tried to grab dragon without any vision. SK Gaming took advantage of this and smite stole the dragon, but due to numbers differences traded 2 kills and a tower for it, pushing the gold lead even more towards the Wolves with a 2.1k gold advantage 15 minutes in along with a 3-0 kill lead. The Wolves seemed to have an answer for any plays SK tried to pull off as they would always follow up with more kills or trade for global objectives.
24 minutes in, SK finally managed to get something going for them as they nearly aced the Wolves and traded successfully in their favor for 4 kills and 1 death. Unfortunately for SK, that was their only bright moment of the game, as they would be destroyed outside of their base for a 4 for 0. Copenhagen Wolves were just too far ahead as they eventually grabbed Baron and push to win. The Wolves won dominantly with nearly a 10k greater gold difference.
Short Summary: Copenhagen Wolves held onto an early advantage and played brilliantly to continue holding and pushing their advantages. Every play that SK tried to do to counteract the Wolves, they retaliated with a larger move.
After a solid win in the first game, SK Gaming played aggressively in the second game to try and find some rhythm for game 2. They started out with a heavy invade towards the blue buff of the Copenhagen Wolves, however, both teams managed to get out unscathed. Once that ended, Copenhagen Wolves went for their own invade on the blue buff of SK Gaming. While both sides managed to get out, once again, CHW came out on top as they forced out a flash. The Wolves were playing in the lead, however, Youngbuck was constantly the casualty of the team after giving up first blood. In exchange for Youngbuck's death, Copenhagen Wolves manages to secure both bottom turrets after the first death.
SK then manages to finally secure themselves a lead after killing Youngbuck a second time, managing to scrape by with a 200 gold lead and an 2-0 kill lead. Unfortunately for SK, once again, they were not in a position to hold onto that lead as the Wolves would soon take both top and middle outer turrets simultaneously for a 2k gold lead. Copenhagen Wolves just snowballed past that point with spectacular map control and positioning, eventually stomping SK for their second and final win of the semi-finals.
Short Summary: After a tough game for SK in game 1 they continued to get pressured and could not hold onto any lead at all. Copenhagen Wolves played smart and controlled themselves to never try and be greedy, giving themselves two relatively easy wins and an advancement to the finals where they will be playing against Ninjas in Pajamas.