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Blizzard's Battleplan - Vol.2


Blizzard just released their Battleplan, revealing what they plan on doing in the near future!

So many things on their way:

1.7 : Zul'Gurub, Arathi Basin, Hunters talent

1.8 : Silithus, Druids or/and Paladins talents

They also want to add 20-man raid dungeons, Ahn’Qiraj, four new green Dragons, improve Alterac Valley, finish the other class talents, a fee based Character-Transfer Service and the mysterious Hero classes.

Also, if your lucky enough to attempt BlizzCon, well, "please keep an eye out for the game magazines that will be hitting newsstands right around BlizzCon, because some of them will feature in-depth articles on the expansion with plenty of information about how World of Warcraft will be evolving."

Seems like Blizzard is not yet done improving WoW !

World of Warcraft - WoW Community website
WoW Forums - Battleplan Forum Post

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