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Hearthstone7 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

The new Hemet has been revealed and he’s… weird

The card destroys other cards in your deck.

You’re reading this correct. Hemet, Jungle Hunter—the alter ego of [card]hemet nesingwary[/card]—is a new Un‘Goro legendary, a 6/6 body for 6 which, wait for it, destroys all the cards in your deck which cost (3) or less.

It’s fun to theorize when and where Hemet might be applicable. In theory, he is designed to eliminate cheap draws in the late game and to ensure you only draw big threats from now on, constantly putting pressure, but the benefits might just be too specific for this to work.

Obviously, the new Hemet is made for heavy midrange decks, but those will still want to use (3) or cheaper cards. Midrange Hunters will always rely on [card]kill command[/card] and Tempo Mages will want their [card]archmage antonidas[/card] activators. If anything, this card could be good in Midrange Druids who won’t mind losing a [card]wrath[/card], [card]raven idol[/card] or [card]innervate[/card] in the late game if this means getting to an [card]ancient of war[/card] or even [card]swipe[/card] faster.

If more decks appear whose job is to constantly ask late-game questions and can sacrifice cheap removal for that, Hemet might find more homes.

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