Natus Vincere defeats Vici Gaming Reborn and advances onto the Upper Bracket semifinals of the Starladder|i-League Dota 2 Invitational.
After defeating Team OG yesterday, Natus Vincere continues their rampage through the Upper Bracket defeating Vici Gaming Reborn. Tomorrow they will face LGD Gaming in the Upper Bracket semifinals.
Game One
Na’Vi opted for the semi-global lineup with the Beastmaster complementing the Furion, Io assault. While the Queen of Pain and Witch Doctor offers a decent amount of burst damage. On the other hand Vici Gaming Reborn’s lineup was more of a cookie-cutter composition with strong meta heroes such as Death Prophet and Enchantress. This lineup is well-balanced with a suitable amount of early aggression, mid-game push and late game abilities.
Na’Vi’s early aggression in the middle heavily hindered the farm of the Death Prophet. With the activeness of the Io, Danil 'Dendi' Ishutin’s QoP was able to secure a huge lead against Mikasa’s Death Prophet. The rotations of Io continued to be problematic for VG.R as he helped recover the disadvantage for Na’Vi in the top lane. With the laning stage secured, Na’Vi proceeded to snowball out of control with the global presence of a farmed Nature’s Prophet and QoP.
Although Death Prophet was able to recover slightly with a triple kill, the advantage of Na’Vi continued to pile up especially after the Orchid was purchased for the QoP. With an overwhelming vision advantage of Beastmaster’s Hawk Na’Vi was able to capture objectives such as Roshan and tier 2 towers easily. While the slightest sign of hope still existed for VG.R, Na’Vi demolished this hope in a high ground slaughter at 28 minutes. Na’Vi takes game one in an outrageously one-sided fashion.
Game Two
VG.R’s lineup once again favors the midgame team fight encounters. They’ve decided to let Tong 'mikasa' Junjie redeem himself putting him on the Death Prophet again. On the other hand, Yang 'Zyf' Pu’s favorite hero Gyrocopter was drafted and it seemed like VG.R was able to grab themselves a great comfort draft. For Na’Vi, their lineup revolved around an aura based composition complementing the Lycan. Akbar 'SoNNeikO' Butaevwas placed on one of his best heroes - Oracle.
At the zero minute rune exchange, VG.R was able to pull straight ahead with a 3:0 exchange with Dark Seer grabbing a double kill. With this early income boost Dark Seer was off to a great start against the Lycan. While Zhou 'Yang' Haiyang’s Dark Seer continues to suppress Lycan in his lane, Mikasa once again loses his ground in the mid lane. Although Death Prophet was struggling, the other heroes on VG.R’s side were all outperforming Na’Vi. Windranger struggles to find objectives and Lycan was generally underfarmed.
With the active rotations from Gyrocopter and Earth Spirit VG.R cruised along in the mid game. However, Na’Vi began their comeback with extraordinary Windranger Shackleshots along with the constant control and sustainability Oracle provided. With a double level three Necromonicon and tons of lockdown, Windranger and Lycan were able to deal damage easily. With the lack of presence for the Death Prophet, Na’Vi overwhelmed VG.R in team fights. Na’Vi swept VG.R with a 2:0 score.