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LoL9 years ago

Ohq joins NRG eSports

Image by thescoreesports

NRG eSports finalize their roster for the Summer Split with the addition of attack damage carry Oh “Ohq” Gyu-min.

For weeks, rumors had been surrounding North American League Championship Series team NRG regarding their roster and which player would fill their ADC role. When NRG had made the announcement some time ago confirming the additions of Diego “Quas” Ruiz, Lucas “Santorin” Larsen, and Alan “KiWiKiD” Nguyen, it was apparent that the team’s former carry Johnny “Altec” Ru would not be returning, leaving a vacant spot in the roster.

Today, NRG announced via Twitter that they would be adding former Team Dragon Knights carry Ohq to make the roster whole once more. This comes only days after TDK had been banned from competing in this summer’s Challenger Series, leading to players such as Ohq looking elsewhere for work. This will be Ohq’s first split back in a main regional tournament since his days as starting carry over on Korea’s own Najin e-mFire. Despite mainly competing in the NACS this year, Ohq does have prior LCS experience thanks to subbing in for the LA Renegades early on in the split, coincidentally another team that Riot recently banned from competition.

As for Altec’s future endeavors, he is rumored to be participating in the newly formed Cloud 9 Challenger team under the pseudonym “TangerineOrange.” Now that C9 has purchased Enemy eSports’ spot, it seems more than likely that Altec will be competing in the CS Summer Split.

With a new Korean ADC to battle alongside fellow countryman Mid-laner Lee “GBM” Chang-suk, NRG’s finalized roster is looking quite competitive for next split. In order to succeed, NRG’s new players will need to learn to communicate and synergize with one another if they wish to not repeat the same mistakes as before. All in all, this team of veteran players is one that should not be underestimated, and all competing teams should be sure to keep an eye on them for the future.