Curse is the first team to put Team Coast's massive win streak to an end in the NACL yesterday.
After 15 straight wins in a row, Team Coast finally suffered a defeat at the hands of Curse Gaming. While many teams have found promise in stopping the team and doing well early, they fell flat when it came to closing out a successful game from the LCS veterans. Accompanied by previous Team Solomid marsksman Shan "Chaox" Huang who played Caitlyn in their game against Curse, Team Coast's team cohesion was lacking while Curse's thrived, resulting in a victory against the undefeated team at last.
Velocity still stands in 3rd place in the Elder Lizard Conference group after suffering a defeat to vVv Gaming, who replaced Infinite Odds and acquired their score. The titans of group B, "Complexity", were brought down by last place team "Gold Gaming LA" in an epic David vs. Goliath matchup in the amateur scene. In addition to this string of upsets, Curse Academy lost against Napkins in Disguise, putting three powerful teams at a loss to lower placing teams yesterday.
The week continues tonight with Curse attempting to continue their solid play against TBD, ggLA vs. VES and vVv. vs. COG in the showdown of underdogs, and Complexity getting up off their knees against Napkins in Disguise.