Riot provides a detailed response to ongoing EUW service concerns, promising a new server center in Amsterdam, a service strike team, improved communication, future direct routing, and a performance tracker.
Attempts by Riot to address frequent lag and service drops in western Europe have not satisfied players, with the post in June promising RP compensation now at a staggering 2346 downvotes. Players on EUW have expressed that they believe Riot is less concerned with their enjoyment than players on other servers and have demanded a clear response.
Twenty hours ago, EU Managing Director Errigal posted in the EUW forums to update players regarding the steps they are taking to ensure better service in the future. Admitting that communication has been poor, they have vowed to keep players better informed as they work on these changes, two of them quite expensive.
The first and most extensive change is the creation of a new data center in Amsterdam.
We have been building a brand new facility in Amsterdam to house the EU servers. We’re building it with the latest designs in infrastructure, all new hardware and bigger/more servers than the current facility has. It will be the newest datacenter for any Riot region, and will be the latest in terms of overall system architecture.
?Riot members have further promised that they are using what they've learned from their years of service to make this datacentre perform as best as possible. This has been ongoing for months, and they will provide updates as progress continues.
Also noteworthy are Riot's efforts to provide direct routing from their servers to individuals. A lot of information gets dropped from packets through congested networks, and Riot are committed to bear the expense of managing network traffic for their own servers. Once these changes begin, service should drastically improve.
Response to these changes have been overwhelmingly positive, both within the Riot thread and on Reddit. Several Rioters joined in the discussion after Errigal's initial address, continuing to respond to player questions and concerns. When players outside Europe asked how this might affect them, RiotGeneral answered.
Our team is dedicated to bringing in game latency down for everyone playing on all our platforms world wide (pretty big task).
And for perhaps the first time since problems began in May, no one seemed to question it.