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Riot prepares to release new skins on PBE

A re-textured Rammus model, as well as Officer Vi, Sultan Gangplank, and Victorious Elise skins were recently added to the latest PBE client.

The first new skin that is being tested is Officer Vi, which corresponds the Piltover theme. Caitlin, the Sheriff of Piltover, already has an Officer skin, and Vi the Enforcer is also about to receive one.

In game footage of the Officer Vi skin can be seen below:

The second champion that is receiving a new skin is Elise. The skin will be given as a reward for players that have finished at Gold tier or above and is called Victorious Elise.


Spider form skins are not yet available, but some in game footage of the human form is:

Gangplank is the third champion with a new skin: Sultan Gangplank. The Sultan theme is already used in the Sultan Tryndamere skin. As the skin is the newest one added to the game, no video footage is available.  This skin is released to celebrate the first year anniversary or the Turkish server launch, as it was inspired by a legendary Turkish captain.

As mentioned before, Rammus is getting a re-texture for all his skins. This is not quite a full visual upgrade, but it suggests one might be in the works for the future.  A few examples are shown below.

Nocturne, on the other hand, gets only a new splash art for now.

In addition, there are slight changes to some champion abilities. However, since this is a PBE, nothing is final, and everything can be changed before released.

Morgana: Tormented Soil (W). Damage increased to 23/36/49/62/75 (+0.2AP).

Tryndamere: Spinning Slash (E). Spinning Slash's CD is reduced by 1 second every time Tryndamere does a critical strike. The effect is doubled if the critical hit is on an enemy champion.

Ahri: Fox Fire (W). The mana requirement is reduced to 50 at all levels.

Charm (E). The mana requirement is reduced to 85 on all levels.

Charm (E) Now includes a tooltip expalaining its increased true damage from Orb of Deception (The bonus was added on previous PBE patch)

Source - League of Legends BG

Atanas "bloodyrose" PlachkovAtanas "Bloodyrose" Plachkov - Tourism Master Graduate in real life, gamer & nerd online. Curently playing LoL, HS and D3. Former WoW addict with a couple of world firsts in Ulduar with Inner Sanctum.