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LoL9 years ago

LPL Spring Quarterfinal Recap: Team WE vs. Vici Gaming

(courtesy of r/lolesports)

Game 1

The first game of the series was a very one sided affair. Choi "DanDy" In-kyu would dominate the early game on Nidalee as he picked up kills on his first two ganks in the Mid Lane putting himself and Lee "Easyhoon" Ji-hoon ahead. The Korean Jungle-Mid duo would transition this lead into both Top and Bottom lanes as VG were able execute multiple tower dives. The kills would pile up and VG would use their advantages to rack up turrets as well as kills, giving them a massive gold lead. VG would take control of WE’s Jungle and pressured multiple lanes at once. However, WE’s heavy wave clear composition meant that they were able to successfully stall out the game for a while. VG had superior vision in WE’s Jungle which would eventually attempt a Baron and succeed at taking it. They subsequently won the team fight that broke out after the Baron was secured, adding to their gold lead. With the Baron, VG took two more inner turrets and broke the base of WE, winning a team fight at their bottom inhibitor. VG would retreat, regroup, and one last push into WE’s Top inhibitor would result in another team fight win and a victory for VG.


(courtesy of Riot Games)

Game 2

Both teams would start with the 3v0 lane swap used in the current meta, with each team taking a turret on opposites sides of the map before switching back and taking two more. It seemed as though both teams were content with just farming for the duration of the early game as there was no real action. WE would try to take the Rift Herald, but VG collapsed to contest the buff. After a small skirmish, VG was able to take the buff with no one dying on either side. After a few more minutes of farming VG attempted to take a Dragon. They were successful, but WE would initiate a fight with Yoon "Zero" Kyung-sup’s Bard ultimate and get 4 kills with no deaths. They would use the advantage to take the Mid Lane outer turret. Shortly after the respawns, Zhu "Loong" Xiao-Long would get caught out trying to contest WE’s blue buff. WE would make their way across the map and contest at VG’s blue buff, sparking a team fight that found them netting three more kills and no deaths. After helping secure another Dragon, Su "xiye" Han-Wei would overextend and get killed by three members of VG in the Bottom Lane. Right after that, Ke "957" Chang-Yu would try to pick off Xu "Endless" Hao as he recalled and another fight would ensue. The teams traded kills in the Mid Lane while Jin "Mystic" Seong-jun got WE another turret in the Top Lane. Later, 957 and Loong would begin an initially 1v1 engagement that would result in WE collapsing and killing Loong. After some more farming, the Top Laners would go at it again but WE this time would not be there to bail 957 out and he was solo killed by Loong. After another Dragon, WE secured vision around Baron and took the objective. VG would come in and initiate a fight, but WE won on the back of Xiang "Condi" Ren-Jie’s pentakill on Graves. With the Baron buff and a large gold lead, WE would push in, break the base, and destroy the nexus.

Game 3

Both teams secured a pair of turrets through another lane swap, but VG would strike first as a teleport from Loong into the Top Lane would secure First Blood. A push to take the inner Top turret by WE resulted in a long chase down that led to a skirmish in the river near the Baron pit. WE came away with 3 kills losing only Zero, and giving them a turret and kill advantage which allowed them to take the Dragon. VG would attempt a similar push on the Bottom inner turret, but WE would contest and kill Duan "caveMan" De-Liang ending the siege. Another team fight would break out in the Mid Lane with WE coming out on top, 2 kills to none. WE would use their lead to take the Mid turret and later on, catch Loong overextending in the Bottom Lane. At another Dragon fight WE netted two more kills and the objective, allowing them to rotate and take the Baron as well. WE would use the Baron to push up Mid and take an inhibitor as well as the Bottom inner turret. After returning to base, WE sieged the Top inhibitor and won a fight in VG’s base to close out the game.

Game 4

After two quiet early games, DanDy returned to his aggressive form in Game 1 as he was able to pick up two kills for VG in WE’s Jungle on an early invade with caveMan and Easyhoon following up. With inverse lanes, 957 was able to turn around a gank from DanDy in the Bot Lane, killing Loong and escaping before DanDy could trade the kill. VG would answer back immediately with two teleports into the Top Lane to counter a gank from Condi, getting 2 kills for 1. An attempted tower dive from VG would quickly go wrong as Condi caught DanDy in his Jungle and the rest of WE collapsed resulting in two kills for WE. A teleport and gank from VG in the Top Lane would get them a kill as WE traded 957 for a Dragon. DanDy would thwart a Top Lane gank from WE, saving Loong with his Kindred ultimate, and the teams would ultimately trade turrets. DanDy would then chase Condi off of the Rift Herald and secure it for himself, before rotating up and taking the Top turret with his team. After securing a Dragon, WE would catch Endless alone in his own Jungle and pick him off. After respawning, Endless would try and take the outer Mid turret alone and got caught out and killed by xiye on Corki, who then took VG’s Mid turret. 957 would also take the Bot turret but after an extended trade with Loong, VG would collapse and kill him. However, WE would group with three on the opposite side of the map and take the inner Top turret. The teams then met at the Baron and DanDy would be picked off by Mystic’s Ezreal, giving WE control. VG would attempt to re-engage but would fail, losing three members and giving up the Baron. WE would start a 1-4 split push with 957 in the Mid Lane as they sieged the Bot inhibitor. They would take the inhibitor turret and VG would try to engage 5v4. WE kited back, allowing 957 to flank VG. WE would ace VG losing only their Jungler, allowing them to take the game and the series.