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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

LPL W3D2 - WE's sister team gets a shot at the new Royal Club


If you're simply interested in spoiler-free VODs:

WE.a vs. SHRC Game 1
WE.a vs. SHRC Game 2
OMG vs. LGD Game 1
OMG vs. LGD Game 2
W3D2 English Recording

*These games were played on patch 4.9.

MVP Scores

MVP Score / Kills / Assists / Deaths / KDA / Gold / CS



Match Context: In the midst of StarHorn Royal Club substantially improving their dragon focus, World Elite Academy's individual skill does not hold much relevance in this set.  Thus far, World Elite Academy and StarHorn Royal Club have been received on opposite ends of the spectrum.  World Elite Academy still hungers to live up to their former hype while StarHorn Royal Club has far surpassed it and looks to tie World Elite at the top of the standings.

Key Points:

  • SHRC's composition was built off very strong picks from all champions with added security from the Lulu, whereas World Elite academy suffered in terms of team direction.
  • InSec gets caught out again, giving up first blood to World Elite Academy.
  • SHRC continues their aggressive jungle plays but without much benefit early on
  • While InSec started out behind, he was able to apply pressure and grab kills while still going the Feral Flare route.
  • World Elite Academy got their first turret at around 14 minutes, where SHRC had already acquired two.
  • SHRC establishes full control and ends the game.

VOD (Click for Full-Screen)

Key Points:

  • SHRC's composition was once again very pick focused, and only Lulu was swapped for Ziggs. WE.A had more direction with their team comp this time around, revolving around a wombo combo of ultimates.
  • WE.a four man roam early to weaken the first tower top.
  • Fights were directed at bottom lane quite a bit, with SHRC coming out slightly ahead at every turn.
  • World Elite academy find decent fights, but still get outclassed and find significantly more trouble taking towers.
  • The mid laners from both teams performed well, but WE Academy had arguably the stronger jungle threat.
  • After acquiring baron and some insane micro from Uzi, SHRC would find the clean ace they needed to close out the game and expand the disparity.
  • World Elite Academy has improved slightly in vision, but weren't strong enough in fights to utilize it to full effectiveness, thus dropping the game.

VOD (Click for Full-Screen)


Match Context: LGD have made quite a few changes but still find themselves stagnating around the same area.  Meanwhile, OMG has had a few rough patches but look to be formulating themselves into the strong team they showed themselves to be last split.  However, LGD's losses have been rather close games in comparison to many Chinese shut-outs, and now they look to pull off wins against OMG.

Key Points:

  • OMG came out on top with champion select, hoping to utilize Yasuo's knockups with Jarvan's ultimate paired with Lulu ultimate for utility and Cloud's follow up with Tidal Wave.
  • Despite being on his best champion, Quan starts out a bit sloppy and feeds first blood to Cool.
  • OMG form a heavy roam party which is counteracted by LGD doing the same, but OMG comes out on top 4-1 at 5 minutes. However, since OMG were on the move first, LGD's bot lane was able to take the first tower.
  • Ggoing was having one of his best games, showcasing Lulu's potential top when roaming and holding 100% kill participation.
  • LGD enjoyed early turret advantages, but the gold was funneling onto San in teamfights and OMG were way ahead in kills. Also, they acquired the first dragon.
  • Due to teleport being down for ss17, OMG acquired a free baron, nullifying any comeback attempts they've been trying to make. With this, OMG were able to close out.

VOD (Click for Full-Screen)

Key Points:

  • LGD takes a necessary lead, as their composition is much more early game focused than OGM's, containing TF, Twitch, and Jax.
  • Unlike most Chinese games, dragon took awhile to contest. The first dragon went to LGD at the 15 minute mark.
  • OMG still maintained a kill lead with superior gold funneling.  Meanwhile, 17 was not having a great game, having given up 5 of the 7 kills for his team around 16 minutes.
  • LGD played relatively well up until OMG acquired baron, but Cool was practically unstoppable at this point, going far beyond Legendary.
  • With the heavy lead and massive burst from Cool, OMG had the tools required to close out the second game.

VOD (Click for Full-Screen)



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