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Dota 29 years ago

ESL One Frankfurt: Na'Vi's road to the grand finals is clear, Vega's end

Na'Vi eliminated Vega 2-0 and cleared their way to face OG in the ESL One Frankfurt best-of-five grand final later in the day.

Game one

Every inch of map control was paid with ten times the blood.

Riding the momentum of their solid early game, Na'Vi traded towers with Vega in their favor. Utilizing their Slardar, they were also able to secure Roshan at the eleventh minute and push tier twoes with their newly acquired Aegis. But, little did Na'Vi know that their biggest road block to victory would be Rostislav 'Fn' Lozovoi's free farming Slark. Outputting damage that rivaled that of Daniel 'Dendi' Ishutin's Timbersaw, the Slark proceeded to dismantle Na'Vi, while the Timbersaw destroyed Vega. The following tower attempts by Vega and Na'Vi all ended with the same result - the falling of the tower being pushed and the lives of multiple heroes on both sides being taken by Slark and Timbersaw. This cycle kept repeating itself - at the 32nd minute mark, the gold lead was 14k in Na'Vi's favor, but it was completely negated by Vega's Slark, holding a 7/0/5 KDA and 305 last hits at the time. Subsequent Roshan attempted were chiefly secured by Na'Vi, but regardless of the availability of an Aegis, map control was only taken inches at a time.

The play which ended the stalemate occurred at the 53rd minute, where a botched fight forced Vega's Slark to push out the middle and bottom lanes, preventing Na'Vi from taking a set of barracks; during this time, Fn made a mistake and was picked off. The follow up securing of the Aegis and Cheese gave Na'Vi the confidence to attempt to break Vega's high ground. Remarkably, it succeeded on the first attempt, after Slark was negated during his Shadow Dance and BKB durations. Dendi ended the game with 28 kills, one death and a 33 charge bloodstone, while Fn ended the game with 23 kills and two deaths.

Game two

Alchemists and bounty runes usually do not end well for the opposing team. Taking this to heart, Na'Vi gathered five and charged Vega head-on for the bottom bounty rune at minute zero. What followed was Batrider's Sticky Napalm and Elder Titan's right clicks wreaking havoc on Vega's heroes. The duo killed as they went and eventually stopped, when faced up against a tier two tower, ending their spree with a 5-2 kill score in favor of Na'Vi, all before the one minute mark. Going into the laning stage, both sides remained equally aggressive and over-extensions by Na'Vi made the early game much easier for Vega, who leveled the kill lead at eight minutes. However, this was not enough to negate their early game blunder and Na'Vi took tier one and two towers in quick succession when the mid game arrived.

Na'Vi's new found map control and dewarding forced Vega to give up unnecessary kills. After a few minutes, two pick-offs on Alchemist were found, opening up two lanes of barracks and the door to the grand finals for Na'Vi.