After losing to TnC in the winner's bracket final, Mineski wins the SEA qualifiers by beating Orange-Taring in the lower bracket and winning their rematch againstTnC in grand finals.
Game one
Coming hot from his quadruple rampage in his previous game, Ryan Jay 'Bimbo' Qui struck again with his Queen of Pain. The game began with TnC's Chen and Gyrocopter securing multiple kills in lane, but the lead was reversed when Bimbo was able to score a triple kill at six minutes and springboard himself and his team to a 12 minute Orchid and Aegis. Following this, the next few fights for Mineski did not end well, but they still managed to win the game after farming BKBs on their cores.
Game two
Hit fast and hit hard was the plan for Mineski. However, the plan was thwarted by TnC ganking the dual offlane and not allowing Mineski to crush any of the lanes. This led to a continuous cycle of both teams poking and failing to find openings from the other team; the cycle was only broken when TnC took a bad Rosh fight and gave up a fair bit of map control. This allowed Mineski to gain an influx of gold which coincided with their lineup's peak, and it was with this combination of factors that Mineski won the game with.
Game three
The teams exchanged kills with their support rotations up until the ten minute mark. Mineski took the initiative of pushing and TnC was forced to react, causing them to be unable to play to their lineup's strengths. Unable to execute their strategy, TnC was quickly overrun by Mineski's hero as by that point, Mineski was just too far ahead in farm to be stopped.
Headline image from Mineski's Facebook page.