Team Secret show off their new roster by beating EHOME 2-0 in a very quick and easy series.
After getting demolished by Team Empire in the series yesterday, Team Secret was looking to make a comeback and finally show-off their newly formed roster in the first Group B Lower Bracket Elimination match as they played against EHOME. The losing team would be eliminated from ESL One Manila 2016, while the winner would go through to the second elimination game of group B, versus Team Empire.
Game One
The early game starts of in Team Secret’s favour, with a great gank mid to secure first blood for the invoker. But soon after, EHOME brought a strong gank mid to drop the Invoker. Both teams looked prepared to rotate around the map to secure shared gold and experience. As EHOME dropped the tier one bot tower, they fell apart fast, losing four others across the map. Team Secret now had a great lead heading toward the ten minute mark: 8-2. EHOME seemed unable to take a good team fight and lost more in a fight mid. Team Secret pushed down the tier two bot tower and marched towards the mid lane’s tier two.
With Secret's pressure showing, the Radiant team was unable to find any kills. With a twenty thousand gold lead heading toward twenty-five minutes played, Secret looked like they were assured the first game of this elimination series. Before the twenty-five minute mark even comes around, EHOME was obliterated by Secret and threw in the towel, calling GG with the score at 3-22.
A strong start from Team Secret in this series shows us that maybe the “Major Winner’s curse” isn’t going to stand in their way.
Game Two
This game starts off in a fantastic manner for EHOME, as they were able to grab both early bounty runes and claim first blood during this period. This game, although off to a slow start, turned to Secret's favour as they ran down the tier one mid tower and killed off most of the EHOME team. Prior to ten minutes the score sat at 11-6 to Secret, as EHOME battled to keep up with them. Soon after this, Secret completely wiped EHOME and lost only a single support in exchange.
Eighteen minutes in, the teams found each other near the Rosh pit and once more, Secret destroyed EHOME, losing no one and pushing down mid into the Dire base with an aegis still on their side. Secret siegee the Dire base and EHOME had no response. With twenty three minutes gone, EHOME was forced to call GG.
Team Secret stomped EHOME 2-0 and moved on to face Empire again later today.