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Heroes9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

GranPkt: "I always say the same: always confident - never overconfident."

Team Liquid is preparing for the Enter the Storm #3 finals this weekend. GranPkt, TL's Support player, took some time off practice to share his thoughts on the eSports life, support heroes and the European scene.

How has your life changed since you got picked up by Team Liquid in March? Do you live in a team house and have strict training schedules? Does the SC-history of some of your team have an impact on how you approach things?

Few things have changed in my life: I'm studying part-time now so I have more time to travel/play/focus on the game. One funny thing is that since I joined Team Liquid, my family (grandparents included) made a group on Telegram called something like "Team Liquid Tournaments" where they talk about our tournaments. They don't understand a lot of the game but they are learning, step by step.
I'm not sure if the SC-history has an impact on how we approach the game itself, but I'm pretty sure that the experience that they have on LAN-events helped us a lot.

How comfortable are you now with the latest big patch (Kharazim patch) and its changes?

As a support player I think that the biggest change from the last patch was the Cleanse rework. I'm still getting used to it, I really liked the old Cleanse T.T!! The other big change is of course the new hero Kharazim and before playing him on MGA I was pretty sure that he was good but now I doubt it.

Support players like Dreadnaught have stated that they are jealous of their team members, because they get to play more interesting heroes. Do you agree with this sentiment, or do you think Kharazim (and the upcoming StarCraft medic) show that Blizzard can also make fun-to-play support characters?

I have to agree with Dreadnaught on this, playing support (on Hero League) is super-boring. Kharazim is average-fun but the rest... We will have to wait for the medic.

We have seen a lot higher variety in heroes over the past few weeks. But as a support player, you only ever get to play about 4 different heroes. Does the higher variety of heroes played by your teammates have an impact on how you have to approach each game as well?

It is true that I only have to play 4 heroes, but is also true that I have to know the limits of every other hero in order to choose who I have to heal and when I have to heal. That's why I usually tend to play pretty much every hero on Hero League and try out different builds. If a new Hero comes out on the competitive scene, I'll try it out on Hero League to see his potential and be able to know in which situations he is safe or when he needs my help.

You have won the previous two ETS tournaments, does ETS feel special to you because of this? Are you confident you can win this one as well?

Would be great to win 3 ETS in a row, and I will make my best effort!!. About confidence I always say the same: always confident - never overconfident.

Bob Question Mark has been making a name for themselves these last few weeks. They are currently the team who has the best win rate against you, but you have only played together a few times. What are your thoughts on Bob? What about their affection for Kharazim?

They are really good players, a really good team and what's more really, really good guys! When Kharazim got released I was with Bakery, I thought that the Hero was going to be great but as I said before, now I doubt it. I really hope that Bakery proves me wrong

As arguably the best team in EU, are you constantly looking for ways to stay ahead of the rest, or do you welcome the fact that more and more teams are starting to be able to challenge you?

I rather having a strong region full of good teams than having a single good team. On the other hand, I rather like being better than the rest so I'm always thinking on what can make us improve or what can make us be one step ahead of the rest.

Any final thoughts you would like to share?

Just giving thanks for everyone who support us! Thanks as well to Team Liquid and our sponsors. I want to also encourage everyone who is reading this to create more content and support the game!!

Team Liquid Heroes roster:

Spain Juan "VortiX" Moreno Duran
Spain Pedro "LucifroN" Moreno Duran
France Cristofer "Blackscorp" Embareck
Spain Francisco Antonio "GranPkt" Núñez Sorribas
Spain Victor Manuel "FalcoN" Sanchez Lopez

For more information on Enter the Storm #3, please visit this article, our official ETS website and our Coverage Hub.
You can find more team spotlights here: Team LiquidTeam ROCCATNa'Vi.
We also did a recent series of interviews with players of the following teams: Team ROCCAT HasuObsNatus Vincere Splendour.

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