After a one month absence due to technical and health problems, the infamous player returns with his Weekly News from the StarCraft scene, giving us the first StarCraft 2 issue of his video feature and summarizing all the important events that happened during the last weeks.
In the current "SC2 weekly news", Artosis covers many interesting topics around the StarCraft 2 pro-gaming scene from all over the world. Besides giving a quick summary of last month's tournaments, he manages to deliver a chunk of news from the Asian pro-scene which at the moment is quite shady, compared to Europe's and even America's. You will learn about the first ever SC2 pro team as well as the latest edition of Stars War, hearing a lot of familiar names in the process. Some roster changes, that may have eluded you, are also brought into the light.
Additionally, Artosis does a swift analysis of
the sixth beta patch, commenting the major changes and their effects on the game. The open availability of pro-replays is also discussed.
In conclusion, next week Artosis will start answering Twitter questions once again, so be sure to follow him there in case there is something bugging your mind.
Links - Original VOD