- 'I believe it will kill off WC3 relatively quickly.'
DeMusliM doesn't hide his fondness of the new game in the article. - 'I've played roughly 250 games so far and I've really enjoyed it. The difference from game to game is what I really missed with WC3, the refreshing vibe is back and I'm thoroughly enjoying it,' according to the WarCraft player. He feels the balance is already pretty good, but Roaches, Hellions, Larvae, Speedlings and Banelings still need some tweaking.
Fnatic also asked him which game StarCraft 2 felt like most. 'While the controls and 3D graphics are more related to WC3, I believe it's like a 80:20 ratio in favour of BW. If anything, the actual movement feels like neither game,' he said, and noted that he's long since been planning to switch over to StarCraft 2. DeMusliM favours the variety of strategic options the game gives you, rendering none of them 'good' or 'bad' in general. It's all about fitting it to your personal playing style, he says.
He's a little more critical about Battle.Net, noting there are lag issues and little bugs in the system that really need to be fixed before the final product goes live. '[There's] getting alt tabbed despite not touching anything but your mouse - or replays lagging if you run them on 3x/6x speed, and Tabbing into the game taking a good 20 secs, these problems need to be fixed, as things like this can really aggravate a gamer,' he describes.
As for his final verdict - 'Like BW, I doubt anyone will truly be able to master the game any time soon.'
Hopefully, that's given you a taste of the interview. For more extensive information, read the full interview at Fnatic.
Fnatic.com - DeMusliM interview