I love it haha, been nerding a whole whole lot ;) I guess the fact that it's new and it's still not yet figured out, I really love the fact about the constant metagame switches still going on, that's the one thing I've been looking forward to the most; constant evolution for the metagame. And it still feels like SC as well!
What rank do you currently hold?
I'm currently 3rd in my division but I don't think the ranks matter a whole lot because there are so many leagues and all platinum leagues somewhat have the same status, so you can't really figure out a real "rank" at all. The system is still a mystery to most players so you can't easily compare the points either... :P
Are there any tactics that fascinate you?
Nothing too particular yet, also I'd be a fool to tell ret, hehe. I guess you will have to wait and find out until my Liquibition to see what strategies I prefer, but there's nothing too fancy I guess, most people have already figured out the same plot, so uhmm well, I guess macro is still as important as before just that you have to stay on one base for a pretty long time in some maps as protoss or terran.
Speaking of ret and Liquibition, it's coming up on March the 13th, what are your expectations for that match?
Well whenever I play a match I want to win it, if were we talking about sc1, I'd definitely consider myself the underdog, but honestly, I've been playing a lot more than what ret has so far, so I guess I can be pretty confident. The fact that he plays random makes it a bit more tricky though, because I will have to adapt even more than usual, but oh well, nothing that can't be dealt with.
Have you played any of the other top foreigners of StarCraft yet?
Pretty much played everyone already. White-Ra, Dimaga, Kolll, KaaZ, Strelok, Morrow, Mondragon, Moonshine, BRAT_OK, Dreiven, Haypro, the mTw players... List goes on forever basically. Only played one vs Strelok and Ra so far though.
Dimaga was the hardest one by a large margin, he beat me 2-1 in the Zotac cup but I did the stupid mistake of underestimating speedlings in game 3 so I lost in a very, very unsatisfying manner. However I've lost to him in a ladder game before, so yes, he's basically one of the very very few ones I don't have a positive winning ratio against at the moment. Another one worth mentioning would be RunA who 5-2'ed me in PvP before I understood how the matchup is supposed to be played and Mondragon because if you let him reach hive tech you're just plain dead.
What happens when Mondragon reaches hive?
Well, I can think of that one game I was comfortably playing around a bit, as I loved to in SC1, having one half of the map while he had the other one, and well, I just expected to win that game in a very convincing fashion, however he proved me wrong by simply owning my stuff with ultra, hydra, broodlords regardless of the fact that I had like 6k minerals.
Are there any units that are overpowered at the moment?
Broodlords. Ultralisks' splash damage... Another thing would be the mutalisk's mobility, protoss just lack any competent air to air fighter in my opinion. Sentries deal with them ground to air, but obviously air is always more mobile than ground which leads to many problems. And I guess carriers are still too strong as well!

What differs between StarCraft Brood War and StarCraft 2 the most? And which race is the most alike to what it was in the original StarCraft, and which one is the most different in your opinion?
Auto mining and mbs, but the new macro mechanics make up for it. Zergs are still kinda the same, except that larva inject, which obviously makes the macro a lot sicker for them, Protoss has more fancy tactics and doesn't seem to be able to make "the ball" anymore, warpgate macro is really nice as well but in general I would say Zerg and Protoss are still quite what they used to be.
Terran is the one that is most different from SC1 because they're not that much of the turtle race anymore. They're much much much more agressive and have a lot of harass potential, also the fact of having to play bio vs Protoss will seem very very awkward to a SC1 Terran, apart from that, it's mainly the fact that Terran doesn't require a fast expansion anymore to be somewhat competent if the game exceeds the 9 minute mark.
Who do you see being the "king" of StarCraft 2 when the beta has been going on for a while, and the game eventually is released? Who will be the new Boxer?
There won't be a new Boxer for sure because people already know a lot better how to play RTS games than in 1998-2000. It's really hard to tell who will be the best player when the beta is ending, however I'll try as hard as I can to be that person myself.
What's your best moment of StarCraft 2 so far?
None specific, if I had to choose one it would be every time a hydralisk dies to a colossus shot just because it looks so awesome.
And what's your worst moments of StarCraft 2 then?
Losing to Dimaga in the ZOTAC cup.
Any shoutouts?
Thanks to all my friends and practice partners, without them I would be nothing at all. You know who you are guys.