The new script if finally online and that means a new page, new layout and everything from coding to some pictures is refurbished on website. BWCL staff Patrick "moRvH" is telling us that this is "one of best league scripts that you could ever imagine".
Every clan has to sign up again and we recommend you that you take notice of instructions on BWCL's website about this issue. All members and clan itself must be made by beginning of the March. The new season will start at the 7th of March at 7PM CET.
Second big news is that in first time of BWCL history they are looking for new staff members all around the globe. Since that their forum is now in English, and also the script completely in English - it is way easier for them to do that step now.
To make this shift in their organizational structure clear, they are also searching for a third head admin, which in this case may not be from a German speaking country. In short, they are currently searching for league admins, newsposters and casters, as well as for a news admin and a head admin.
Third news is very exciting and it's about StarCraft 2! Well, BWCL is planning StarCraft 2 Clanleague, so called SC2CL. The League will launch at latest with the final release of SC2. But they are going to start a beta league in the upcoming weeks.

Links - Source - StarCraft 2 Clanleague