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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

Complexity and Curse pull out huge wins in super-week


The first half of the results are in for the second day of the North American LCS' second super-week.

The day kicked off with Dignitas vs. Team Solomid, a match which recently resulted in Locodoco receiving a bowlcut.  Shiphtur managed to get first blood, but Bjergsen's niche was his obscene amounts of farm. Dignitas pulled ahead early in towers, but had poorer scaling in comparison to Team Solomid.

Eventually, Dignitas were able to tear down the inhibitors and take the win.

The next game was compLexity vs. Evil Geniuses where Complexity initiated the lead with the first blood. However, an overzealous invade from Complexity leaves Evil Geniuses an opportunity to catch up. Either way, the back-and-forth play was rather sloppy.

Complexity's stock of late-game characters ended up getting huge as the game proceeded to be the longest game in the LCS for the current split.  Evil Geniuses found a fight where they caught out RobertxLee and acquired baron, but they couldn't end the game off of it. Complexity backed by Robert's incredibly farmed Tristana allowed Complexity to take the win.

The final game in the first half of today's games was Curse against LMQ.  LMQ made the questionable decision to go a full AD composition against Curse, which didn't work for them last time. Curse acquired the early lead by reading LMQ's predictable ganks, allowing Cop to get huge early.

On the other end, Xiaoweixiao was getting insanely fed himself.  The real star of the game was Xpecial, who initiated and played out every teamfight well, allowing Curse to pull a win and and stay above Complexity and Evil Geniuses in the standings. 



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