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LoL11 years ago

Gambit takes XDG Gaming in Battle of the Atlantic's fourth 2-0 series

Edward and Darien focus Zuna with their ultimates.
Gambit defeats XDG Gaming with a strong performance and game-changing champion picks.
Most of the matches so far in the Battle of the Atlantic have been a bit one-sided, and today's games were no exception.  Gambit Gaming chose to add a little flavor, however, by bringing out two unexpected picks.  In the first game, Edward entered the rift with support Amumu.  Amumu's weak laning phase left XDG predicting a 2v1 swap, so Zuna and Bloodwater countered by going to the top lane only to find Darien.  XDG were still able to take top tower quickly with Lucian and Annie while Xmithie got mandatorycloud kills in the mid lane.  
The game started going in the favor of XDG, but their focus on the bottom lane allowed Gambit to take turrets top and mid and come back into the game with excellent fights executed by support Amumu.  Alex Ich's Kayle pick and Genja's decision to buy an early Giant's Belt made it difficult for mandatorycloud's Kha'Zix to snowball off kills, and Gambit took the game.
In the next game, Darien brought top lane Warwick into the fray.  Again, XDG took small advantages early, picking up two turrets in the top lane.  Gambit, however, stayed in the game with good ganks by Diamondprox and a quick dragon pickup.  After that, the story of the first game repeated itself.  Gambit's superior AoE teamfight engage by Edward, this time on support Annie, and target focus allowed them to win multiple 5v5 altercations and close out the game without much incident.