Despite their 2-0 defeat at the hands of Alliance, Team Dignitas is clearly happy with the current roster, meaning that Alan “KiWiKiD” Nguyen has been officially confirmed as the starting support for the upcoming Season 4 LCS.
KiWiKiD initially only moved to support for the Battle of the Atlantic after he was replaced in the top-lane by Cruz “Cruzerthebruzer” Ogden.
The team had this to say regarding the announcement:
“The lineup, as it is now, if stable and the team synergy is at a high. Every play in the lineup has the motivation to do whatever it take to shape up and become a threat in the NA LCS once again.”
In addition, Dignitas also stated that they will be moving analyst and coach Erling “Vlanitak” Krohn into the team house in order to help the team focus on their training regimen and sort out their current isses.
Dignitas Season 4 Roster:
Cruz “Cruzerthebruzer” Ogden (Top)
Alberto “Crumbzz” Rengifo (Jungle)
William “Scarra” Li (Mid)
Michael “Imaqtpie” Santana (AD)
Alan “KiWiKiD” Nguyen (Support)
Source: Dignitas