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LoL11 years ago

Copenhagen Wolves siege their way into the LCS

After losing their first game, the Copenhagen Wolves managed to continuously get early advantages and use strong siege compositions to close out the next three in a row against Meet Your Makers.

For the first set in the EU LCS Spring Promotion Tournament, the Copenhagen Wolves, considered the strongest Challenger team by many, faced off against the eighth place team from the Summer Split, Meet Your Makers.  The first game went in MYM's favor, giving the Wolves their first competitive loss since the formation of their new roster, but the Copenhagen Wolves used Forg1ven's excellent control and pressured the map to take the next three games.  Today, they become the first new team to qualify for 2014 Spring LCS.

In the first game, either MYM's experience or Copenhagen Wolves' overconfidence landed MYM some highly contested picks or the 3.14 patch, including Dr. Mundo, Ziggs, Lucian, and Evelynn.  Desperate to lane something against Mundo, the Wolves picked Nasus, despite both Evelynn and Lucian being able to remove slow effects.
With Nasus' strong wave clear, the Wolves initiated a 2v1 swap.  Mokatte exerted early pressure and landed Makler first blood in a two for one trade.  From there, Forg1ven used his Caitlyn pick to take early towers and farm while Mokatte's Evelynn got his team kills around the map.  This mixture resulted in near constant action and a high kill count, but in the end, Mokatte's ability to get his team ahead early and the superior effectiveness of Dr. Mundo over Nasus resulted in a hard won victory for Meet Your Makers.
In the second game, the Copenhagen Wolves made it a priority to ban Dr. Mundo, and Kubon picked up Tryndamere instead.  Makler also switched over to a lower mobility Twitch pick, and YoungBuck grabbed Shyvana.
Within four minutes, kills were traded again all over the map as both Mokatte and Amazing to chose to gank at the same time.  Notably, however, Forg1ven's Caitlyn picked up the early double kill this time around.  Copenhagen Wolves then proceeded to apply the same Caitlyn early push strategy and picked up all three first tier turrets in sixteen minutes.  The Wolves played more cautiously this time, but most of the kill gold when onto Forg1ven, and when he's given the opportunity to carry a game, he often does.  This was a much more strategic and less explosive game with the Wolves spreading out pressure and taking map objectives quickly, but a definite highlight was Forg1ven's Caitlyn kiting both Kubon's Tryndamere and Mokatte's Evelynn in a 2v1 situation for a double kill.
In the third game, CowTard snatched away Czaru's Ziggs, and Forg1ven grabbed the Lucian for which he has begun to gain a reputation.  Meet Your Makers attempted to run a Sivir-centric shield composition, picking up Oriana, Thresh, and Lee Sin.
The early game kills continued.  This time, Youngbuck picked up a solo first blood against Kubon's Shyvana.  In addition, Forg1ven's Lucian took an easy advantage over Sivir, and when you run a Marksman-centric shield composition, you can't afford to have your carry fall behind.  In this game, MYM appeared a bit shaky, as if their previous loss had gotten the best of them.  They let go of a few easy kills that could have translated into objectives and sometimes overstayed after winning a trade.  
The Wolves capitalized in theses mistakes by following their opponents into their jungle and picking up more advantages.  The Wolves' stranglehold made the first game of the series a distant memory.  In particular, Amazing's amazing Vi flash-ults to get deep engages really stood out, and the game ended with only a small hiccup in Meet Your Makers' base near the end.
The fourth game saw Amazing pick up Vi again after his previous success, and Meet Your Makers abandoned their protect composition for multiple damage threats with the return of Evelynn.  Kubon pulled out a slightly less conventional Singed pick.
Again, early game trades ended in favor of the Copenhagen Wolves with Forg1ven picking up a kill on Evelynn and Kubon barely escaping with a Teleport.  This altercation got the first tower top and allowed the Wolves to transition bottom and pick up dragon and two more kills before seven minutes.  In Season Three, this would have been all she wrote for Meet Your Makers, but in Season Four—it was still pretty ugly.  
Libik and Mokatte managed to edge Meet Your Makers back into the game with a few excellent picks offs, but Copenhagen Wolves continued to secure dragons and towers.  Meanwhile, Kubon's somewhat questionable Singed pick did little for his team as he desperately tried to split push, and Copenhagen Wolves sieged their way into Meet Your Makers' base in under twenty five minutes.