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CLG crushes Curse down to Relegation

?After a crushing defeat against TSM, CLG came roaring back to life to hold onto the 5th place spot. 

?Pick and Bans

Game 1


After an absolute defeat at the hands of TSM, CLG returned to their pre-playoffs playstyle against Curse Gaming. CLG looked absolutely dominant from the first game of the BO3 match up. Starting from the pick and bans of the first game CLG opted for their famed late game team composition. Nientonsoh played an extremely pivotal role in game 1 with his Shen as he would get Doublelift fed early. Everytime the CLG bot lane would start to play aggressive, Nien would force the fight to be a 2v3 eventually snowballing Doublelift to end the game 7/0/6 with 427 CS.

CLG opted back to their infamous protect the Doublelift strategy which worked extremely well with the team that chose. With Orianna, Shen, and Lulu by Doublelift’s side Curse had no way to retaliate giving CLG a defining lead. CLG would end the first game with a 19-8 kill differential with a massive momentum riding into game 2. 

Game 2

CLG would change up their play style in the second game by utilizing a poke comp. With Tristana and Jayce together, CLG would have enough poke to constantly push and siege against Curse. Chauster showed off his skills as Nami this game as he would hit precision bubbles constantly picking up kills for his team. The 13-6 kill differential at the end of the game showed how dominantly CLG played against Curse. While the MVP of the two games would have to definitely go out to Nien and Doublelift together, Chauster was by far the most impressive player in the second game.

Game of CLG vs CRS Start at 4:29:00

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